How do you stop a delta-8 high?

As the hemp plant keeps gaining popularity, more developments regarding its potential health benefits emerge. Delta-8 is among the latest development that is taking over the market. This compound is associated with intoxicating effects, and most people wish to avoid it. Herein are the tips on stopping a delta 8 high, including taking low concentrations, taking a lot of water, and avoiding cross-contamination.

Delta-8 is made from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the major chemical compounds in hemp, cannabis, and marijuana. These plants also have other organic chemical compounds such as flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabidiol (CBD). However, unlike other elements, THC receives a lot of attention due to its potential risks. Some states are yet to legalize cannabis products, even for therapeutic benefits because of THC in hemp-based products. If you have been getting “high” with Delta-8 THC, what do you do to stop it?

Are Delta-8 Products Legal In the USA?

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, all hemp-based products are legal within the USA. However, the bill has regulations on producing these products for their user’s safety. Although the bill legalized hemp and marijuana-based products in the US, mandates were given to state governments to determine their usage and legality within their territories. As a result, 12 states are yet to legalize hemp-based products, including Delta-8 THC, due to their intoxicating effects.

The 2018 Farm Bill did not legalize marijuana, a cannabis-based plant, because of its high THC levels. Hemp and cannabis sativa were legalized because their THC levels are below 0.3 %. Based on this law, Delta-8 THC products are only legal within the USA if their THC levels are below 0.3%. It is important to

Can Delta-8 Make You Fail A Drug Test?

According to Kale (2019), Delta-8 THC products are likely to make you fail a drug test since it comprises THC as the main element. However, there are various ways of evading this predicament. Always consider the concentrations of Delta-8 THC. Also, avoid marijuana-based Delta-8 products since the THC levels in marijuana are high and will make you fail the test. Lastly, take a lot of water before the drug test. Although this might not be the most effective way, water speeds digestion, clearing out THC from your system faster.

Tips On Avoiding the THC’ High’.

Although THC is one of the major chemical compounds of Delta-8 products, there are various ways you can avoid getting high from it, including;

Taking Low Concentrations

THC potency levels should be the priority while buying Delta-8 products. Fattore, Liana & Walter (2011) suggested that concentrated THC has psychoactive side effects that can cause dizziness, poor memory, dry lips, and red eyes. Beginners should be careful even with low concentrations since their body is yet to adapt to THC. They are recommended to begin with low potency levels of 5 mg per serving as they monitor the possible outcome. Veterans and novices shouldn’t over-rely on the posted potency levels. The Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) has conflicted with multiple hemp-based brands for posting wrong potency levels, which expose their customers to overdosing risks.

Using Hemp-based Delta-8 THC

As noted, THC can be obtained from organic hemp, cannabis sativa, or marijuana. However, the THC levels in marijuana are different from those in cannabis sativa and hemp plants. Marijuana has over 2.4% THC levels, which is intoxicating. Therefore, you are likely to get ‘high’, even with minimum quantities of marijuana-based Delta-8 than hemp or cannabis-based. It is difficult to determine whether delta 8 product is hemp or marijuana-based, and that’s when the issue of brand transparency steps in. If the brand you wish to buy your Delta-8 product from has been receiving warnings from the FDA regarding their transparency on potency levels, it’s better to avoid it. Such brands can misinform you about their products’ ingredients, making you abuse marijuana.

Take A Lot of Water

Although this might not help much, it might make the situation better. Don’t panic if you have taken too much Delta-8 THC and wish to minimize the intoxicating side effects, don’t panic. Water clears THC from your system faster since it speeds metabolism. According to Morris Robert et al. (2014), alcohol is not an alternative for dehydration in such cases. Instead of it improving the situation, it worsens.

Avoid Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is one of the popular ways Delta-8 users experience the “high” effect. Using hemp-based Delta-8 alongside other intoxicating products such as smoking marijuana or sniffing cocaine heightens the chances of getting “high”. If you must use medication, check on its possible side effects. If intoxication is among the possible outcomes, avoid it since it intensifies the “high” effect of Delta-8 THC, even from the hemp plant.

Minimize Secondary Exposure to Other Drugs

Although you might have been taking Delta-8 THC responsibly, sharing a room with people smoking marijuana or other drugs increases the chances of getting “high”. Kuga et al. (2021) noted that as a passive smoker, you would take a considerable amount of THC, increasing the psychoactive side effects of Delta-8 THC. Avoiding secondary exposure to other drugs keeps you safe, especially if you use Delta-8 THC for therapeutic use, such as lowering anxiety, as suggested by Fattore, Liana & Walter (2011).


Getting high from Delta-8 THC after taking the necessary precautions might be the worst feeling. To avoid such cases, take personal precautions by affirming the actual potency levels of Delta-8, avoiding cross-contamination and secondary exposure to THC, and taking a lot of water to speed digestion. In addition, always check whether the brand you are getting your Delta-8 products from has a clean reputation with the FDA regarding the safety of their products in terms of potency and purity levels. Some brands expose their customers to overdosing unknowingly. Even then, there can be a variance in potency levels, but it shouldn’t exceed 10%.


Fattore, L., & Fratta, W. (2011). Beyond THC: The New Generation Of Cannabinoid Designer Drugs. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience5, 60.

Kale, N. (2019). Urine Drug Tests: Ordering And Interpreting Results. American Family Physician, 99(1), 33-39.

Kuga, K., Ito, K., Chen, W., Wang, P., Fowles, J., & Kumagai, K. (2021). Secondary Indoor Air Pollution And Passive Smoking Associated With Cannabis Smoking Using Electric Cigarette Device–Demonstrative In Silico Study. Plos Computational Biology, 17(5), E1009004.

Morris, R. G., Teneyck, M., Barnes, J. C., & Kovandzic, T. V. (2014). The Effect Of Medical Marijuana Laws On Crime: Evidence From State Panel Data, 1990-2006. Plos One9(3), E92816.]

Delta- 8 disposable vapes

Delta- 8 disposable vapes provide users with the convenience of vaping delta- 8 e-juice and recharging the battery. Still, it is worth noting that the metallic parts may wear out and decompose with time, exposing consumers to carcinogens. Here is all you got to know about delta- 8 disposable vapes, including the pros and cons of this product.

Delta- 8 vapes are becoming a primary part of the delta- 8 inventory in many brands because many users like them. They come in varieties, allowing the users to have a plethora to choose from. The rechargeable option means they are convenient. Besides, they are easy to carry on the go, and you need not worry about bulkiness. However, it is worth noting that, like every product, delta- 8 disposable vapes have their cons. The biggest challenge is that the inner parts wear out with time, and one may draw in dangerous substances. This article is your informant, helping you know important details about delta- 8 disposable vapes.

Introducing Delta- 8 Disposable Vapes

Akpunonu et al. (2021) mentioned that delta- 8 is like the nicer sibling of delta- 9 THC since it is mild in action. However, it still bears psychoactive and intoxicating effects. This suggests that it is not like CBD that is non-psychoactive, nor is it as potent and ‘high’ as delta- 9 THC, known for the consistent euphoric effects of THC, as Schlienz et al. (2018) noted. It is between the two cannabinoids, explaining why it is many people’s favorite pick.

There are many ways of delivering delta- 8 to the body. As a compound, it is not readily absorbed into the body. However, the body can take it in when infused in edibles, capsules, and vapes. Mechoulam & Parker (2013) noted that the endocannabinoid system interacts with delta THC to produce the expected effects after absorption. As such, vapes are a delta- 8 deliverable method the body can benefit from.

What Makes Up a Disposable Delta- 8 Vape?

If you anticipate adopting the delta- 8 vape regime, you may want to know what you consume. A vaping device is a cartridge with ceramic parts. It contains a delta- 8 distillate or vape. In addition, it has a coil that ignites the substance when the delta- 8 vapes are turned on, converting the inert cannabinoids into active forms for the body to benefit from. The vape system also features a battery with a long life, allowing you to charge the vape with a US cable to keep using it.

Delta- 8 Disposable Vapes Come in Flavors

Delta- 8 disposable vapes are among the delta- 8 deliverable methods you may want to explore to benefit from the delta- 8 while enjoying the flavor that comes with it. Reputable and well-established delta- 8 THC companies go beyond the basics and feature multiple flavors in disposable vapes. The common flavors featured in disposable delta- 8 THC vapes include OG, Pineapple Express, Kush, Diesel, and GrandDaddy Purple. Most of them are featured by most delta- 8 brands, although some are limited to specific companies.

Pros of the Delta- 8 Disposable Vapes

Like CBD vapes, delta- 8 disposable vapes are expensive. This could be because of the novelty of cannabis products or the many processes that go into growing & harvesting hemp, processing it into delta- 8 disposable vapes, and the licensing cost. With this in mind, you may want to know the pros linked to these vapes. Delta- 8 disposable vapes are easily portable since they are light. Besides, you can use the USB cables to charge them when the battery drains off, meaning you can use them repeatedly, provided you keep them charged. Moreover, delta- 8 disposables come in multiple flavors, allowing users to explore delta- 8 with taste.

How Long Can Delta- 8 Disposable Vapes Last?

According to McCoy et al. (2021), delta- 8 might improve one’s quality of life. Besides, Avraham et al. (2004) noted that delta- 8 THC might be good for appetite, and it does not come as a surprise that many use the cannabinoid to boost appetite. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove that the claims are 100% right. Still, you may want to join the delta- 8 bandwagon for these benefits, and you may choose disposable vapes to be your main source of intake. How long will you use the disposable vapes before they can fully wear out? Generally, the disposable vapes have a 2-year shelf life, showing that they can stay for up to 24 months, provided you store them well. Still, it is worth noting that poor storage conditions compromise the shelf life, and the vapes may not be viable for use months away from the expiration date.

Cons of the Disposable Delta- 8 Vapes

While delta- 8 disposable vapes may seem like the best option for delivering delta- 8 to the body, the vaping devices have cons. For instance, when they wear out, the coil may disintegrate and release dangerous chemicals into the body. Besides, like any delta- 8 delivery method, disposable vapes are expensive, and you have to buy them alongside the vape juice. In addition, the safety of any delta- 8 product remains a matter of concern because of the lack of regulation in the cannabis industry.


Delta- 8 disposables are rechargeable D8 deliverable forms comprising a vaping device prefilled with delta- 8 vape juice. They come in various flavors, making them ideal for masking the earthiness in cannabinoids. Besides, they are easily portable because of their small sizes. Because they are rechargeable, they may help you save on cost. Still, their safety is a matter of concern, and they may be expensive because of the cost of buying the device and the content.


Akpunonu, P., Baum, R. A., Reckers, A., Davidson, B., Ellison, R., Riley, M., … & Gerona, R. (2021). Sedation and Acute Encephalopathy in a Pediatric Patient Following Ingestion of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Gummies. The American Journal of Case Reports22, e933488-1.

Avraham, Y., Ben-Shushan, D., Breuer, A., Zolotarev, O., Okon, A., Fink, N., Katz, V., & Berry, E. M. (2004). Very low doses of delta 8-THC increase food consumption and alter neurotransmitter levels following weight loss. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior77(4), 675–684.

McCoy, B., Wang, L., Zak, M., Al‐Mehmadi, S., Kabir, N., Alhadid, K., & Snead III, O. C. (2018). A prospective open‐label trial of a CBD/THC cannabis oil in dravet syndrome. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 5(9), 1077-1088.

Mechoulam, R., & Parker, L. A. (2013). The endocannabinoid system and the brain. Annual review of psychology, 64, 21-47.

Schlienz, N. J., Lee, D. C., Stitzer, M. L., & Vandrey, R. (2018). The effect of high-dose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration. Drug and alcohol dependence187, 254-260.

Can delta-8 cause psychosis?

Delta 8 is one of the new cannabinoids available in the market, and a lot remains unknown. Consumers have various concerns about this compound, including side effects. This article highlights everything you need to know about delta 8, including its legality, safety, and benefits. Herein, you will also learn if delta 8 can cause psychosis.

THC is one of the major cannabinoids in cannabis plants. This chemical compound has intoxicating effects and is known to make its consumers’ high.’ THC is available in variants such as delta8, delta9, and delta 10. These variants differ in the location of the double bond, leading to different effects. Delta 8 is gaining popularity and is infused in gummies, vapes, tinctures, and topical products. Research is still ongoing concerning this cannabinoid, and many questions are arising. One of these questions is whether delta 8 can cause psychosis. Being a THC isomer, some consumers believe that delta 8 can cause hallucination, uneasiness, lack of focus, and poor judgment, all signs of psychosis. This article discusses the relationship between consuming delta 8 products and psychosis.

What Is Delta 8?

Delta 8 is one of the many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. In recent years, this cannabinoid has been gaining popularity among its users. Since it is a cannabinoid, delta 8 can be present in marijuana and hemp plants since they are subgroups of the cannabis plant. Delta 8 combines with the cannabinoid receptors, leading to the effects one feels after consuming it.

Delta 8 has a similar biological structure to delta 9, which also gives its consumers a psychoactive effect. Although its effects are milder than delta 9 THC, the FDA has warned about the safety of its products.

What Is the Difference Between Delta 9 And Delta 8?

The main difference between delta 8 and delta 9 is the location of their double bonds in the carbon chain. The location of delta 8 is in the 8th position while delta 9 is in the ninth. This small difference leads to the varying effects they produce (Helander et al., 2022). If you are sensitive to delta9, you may prefer using delta 8. This is because the latter can boost your mood, contains pain-relieving effects, and helps increase the appetite, as suggested by Kruger & Kruger (2022).

Bhattacharyya et al. (2017) stated that a little delta 9 could reduce anxiety, while too much can lead to anxiety. However, delta 8 relieves its users from anxiety. Even though data 8 is less powerful than delta 9, it can still give its users a high effect.

What Is THC-Induced Psychosis?

Some signs of psychosis include hallucinations and delusional thoughts. These symptoms occur after consuming high levels of THC, mostly from 15%-30%. It can sometimes be misdiagnosed to be schizophrenia.

Some Symptoms of THC-Induced Psychosis

This psychosis has symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia. If the symptoms go away quickly, then they are acute symptoms. This happens when someone can wake up feeling normal. If one abstains from highly concentrated THC products, the symptoms may fade off immediately. If the symptoms persist after abstaining, you should seek treatment immediately. Symptoms of THC-induced psychosis include

Losing Touch with Reality

This means one cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not. This can also be referred to as dissociation. This may also make one forget things easily and find it difficult to interact with others. An individual suffering from psychosis becomes out of touch with their body and location.


One of the most common symptoms of psychosis is hallucinations. This is when a person sees something that is not real. People can also hallucinate sounds and smells. (Heilbrun et al., 1984).


One may feel they are being followed, but if asked, there is no evidence to prove that. One always feels as if they are always in danger.

Lack of Sleep

According to Barrett et al. (2020), most people who experience psychosis find it difficult to sleep. This is because of the various symptoms that one faces. Disturbing thoughts may interfere with their sleep and also the feeling of anxiety. One wakes up after a couple of hours and never feels relaxed entirely.

Chaotic Thoughts

Here, one finds it difficult to form words and may talk gibberish since their thoughts are disorganized. Others may be unable to speak because their thoughts are disorganized.

Can Delta 8 Lead to Psychosis?

Since delta 8 is derived from the hemp plant, it cannot lead to psychosis since its THC levels are less than 0.3 percent. Malone et al. (2010) noted that consuming products whose THC levels are between 15% to 30% may lead to psychosis. If you may be having depression, you should avoid consuming THC products. This is because it can increase depression symptoms. Signs of psychosis may include delusional thoughts, hallucinations, suspicion, and paranoia. If you experience these signs after consuming delta 8, you should stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.

Is Delta 8 THC Legal?

Federally speaking, delta 8 is legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, some states have taken it upon themselves to ban its use. Bloemendal et al. (2020) suggested that since this cannabinoid interacts with CB1 receptors, it may give its users health benefits. You should be aware that consuming delta 8 products can lead to a positive drug test. You should also be aware that these products are unregulated; hence you should be cautious when purchasing them.


While Delta 8 THC has several health benefits, consuming high levels of THC may lead to health risks. Before purchasing your delta 8 product, check its THC levels and ensure it is less than 0.3 percent. Consuming high-quality delta 8 products may lead to benefits such as pain relief, boosting one’s mood, increasing one’s appetite, and relieving anxiety. Also, ask for third-party test results to ensure your delta 8 products are safe for consumption. Consulting your doctor before taking delta 8 products is also important. The doctor can advise on the correct dosage and the possible side effects.


Barrett, E. A., Aminoff, S. R., Simonsen, C., & Romm, K. L. (2020). Opening The Curtains For Better Sleep In Psychotic Disorders-Considerations For Improving Sleep Treatment. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 103, 152207.

Bhattacharyya, S., Egerton, A., Kim, E., Rosso, L., Riano Barros, D., Hammers, A., … & Mcguire, P. (2017). Acute Induction Of Anxiety In Humans By Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Related To Amygdalar Cannabinoid-1 (CB1) Receptors. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-15.

Bloemendal, V. R., Van Hest, J. C., & Rutjes, F. P. (2020). Synthetic Pathways To Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): An Overview. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 18(17), 3203-3215.

Heilbrun, A. B., & Blum, N. A. (1984). Cognitive Vulnerability To Auditory Hallucination Impaired Perception Of Meaning. The British Journal Of Psychiatry, 144(5), 508-512.

Helander, A., Johansson, M., Andersson, A., & Villén, T. (2022). Analytical And Medico‐Legal Problems Linked To The Presence Of Delta‐8‐Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta‐8‐THC): Results From Urine Drug Testing In Sweden. Drug Testing And Analysis, 14(2), 371-376.

Kruger, J. S., & Kruger, D. J. (2022). Delta-8-THC: Delta-9-THC’s Nicer Younger Sibling?. Journal Of Cannabis Research, 4(1), 1-8.

Malone, D. T., Hill, M. N., & Rubino, T. (2010). Adolescent Cannabis Use And Psychosis: Epidemiology And Neurodevelopmental Models. British Journal Of Pharmacology, 160(3), 511-522.

Are delta 8 edibles potent?

Since delta 8 came into the cannabis industry, it has been embraced, and more people are enjoying its consumption. Most consumers prefer delta 8 edibles since they are discreet, convenient, and mask the hemp plant’s bitter taste. Herein is all you need to know about delta 8 edibles, including their legality, potency ranges, safety, and what to consider when purchasing these products.

THC is one of the main cannabinoids in cannabis plants. This compound is intoxicating, meaning it gets its users’ high.’ THC comes in variants, such as delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10, infused into gummies, tinctures, edibles, vapes, and topical products. You have probably heard of the delta 8 edibles. A good example of the people’s favorite are delta 8 gummies. These gummies are convenient and discreet. However, they do not offer rapid effectiveness since they must be digested before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Most consumers wonder why these delta 8 edibles are special and if they are more potent. This article highlights the potency ranges of delta 8 edibles compared to other products to determine their strength.

What Are Delta 8 Edibles?

Delta 8 is an isomer of THC, a compound in cannabis plants. Kruger & Kruger (2022) noted that Delta 8 THC produces mild psychoactive effects compared to delta 9 products. These cannabinoids are infused into various products, including edibles. Delta 8 edibles include Delta 8 gummies, Delta 8 capsules, and delta 8 baked goods. These edibles provide numerous benefits to consumers, making them become peoples’ favorites. If your day is stressful, you can enjoy your delta 8 edible and feel much better. Delta 8 THC can also help people fall asleep and get quality sleep.

If you struggle with anxiety, delta 8 can help you relax. What’s more, this compound stimulates the appetite of those who are poor eaters.

What Is the Difference between Delta 8 THC And Delta 9 THC?

Delta 8 and delta 9 have a similar chemical structure. They contain a structure that is double bonded. The only difference is that each isomer’s double bond is in different locations of the carbon chain. This makes delta 8 interact differently with the ECS compared to how delta 9 interacts with the ECS.

Since delta 8 doesn’t bind directly to some of the cannabinoid receptors like delta 9, its effects are less intoxicating than that of delta 9.

Are The Delta 8 Edibles Potent?

Bloemendal et al. (2020) observed that Delta 8 is more potent than delta 10 but half as potent as delta 9.

Are Delta 8 Edibles Safe?

Delta 8 edibles are safe. However, other people may find their effects overwhelming. If you are trying these edibles for the first time, it is always recommended that you start with a small amount. You can then gradually increase your dosage with experience.

Is There Any Possibility of Getting High After Consuming Delta 8 Edibles?

Since delta 8 edibles are infused with THC, they can get you high. This is because THC is known to produce a psychoactive effect. However, the effects vary from one person to another, depending on age, experience level, and body metabolism. How high you get can also depend on how much delta 8 edibles you consume. Richard & Paul (2017) suggested that delta 8 edibles offer calmness, relaxation, and mild euphoria.

How Long Do the Edibles Take to Kick In?

Since consumers’ bodies are different, the time it may take for delta 8 edibles’ effects to be felt varies from one person to another. Some people will feel the effects half an hour after consumption, whereas, for others, the effects may be felt after two hours. However, most people experience the effects thirty minutes after using delta 8 edibles. The good thing about these edibles is that their effects don’t come to you suddenly; you will gradually feel when the effects creep up on you. Cary (2010) noted that the effects also last longer than vapes or delta 8 tinctures.

Are Delta 8 Edibles Legal?

Most states allow the use of delta 8 THC. Although this cannabinoid is federally legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill, some states have banned the use of delta 8 edibles. This is because the bill mandated states to come up with laws regulating the use of cannabis products within their boundaries. You must be aware of the laws of the state where you reside. Also, before traveling with your delta 8 edibles, assess their legality in the state you are traveling to.

What to Consider Before Purchasing Delta 8 Edibles

Because of its popularity, the demand for delta 8 edibles is high. As a result, many bands offer these products. Some may sell low-quality or harmful products. Below are some tips you should consider before buying your delta 8 edibles:

Quality Testing

You should only consider delta 8 edibles that are manufactured with high-quality ingredients. Before purchasing, ask for the list of ingredients used. You should also ask whether the edibles were derived from hemp or marijuana plants. Another way of assessing quality is determining the farming methods used. High-quality delta 8 edibles are manufactured using organically grown hemp plants.

Third-Party Lab Testing

Third-party laboratory testing enables you to be sure that only delta 8 THC is present and not other forms like delta 9. Assess the lab results to determine the potency and purity levels. You can get the lab results by scanning the QR codes on your product’s label. Ask for the COA report if the brand does not offer QR codes. Avoid brands that fail to avail these results.

Legality and Regulations

As stated, some states have banned the use of delta 8 products. Some have also prohibited the shipment of delta 8 edibles into their area. Therefore, you need to know the laws of the state you reside in concerning hemp-derived products.


Delta 8 products are available in various forms, including tinctures, vapes, and oils. Edibles are more popularized due to their convenience, discreetness, and ease of dosing. However, with the growing demand for these edibles, poor-quality products are flooding the market. You should always purchase your delta 8 edibles from a reliable vendor. Also, consult with your doctor before consuming delta 8 edibles to determine if you are allergic to its contents


Bloemendal, V. R., Van Hest, J. C., & Rutjes, F. P. (2020). Synthetic Pathways To Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): An Overview. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 18(17), 3203-3215.

Cary, P. (2010). Drug Court Practitioner Fact Sheet. Spice, K2 And The Problem Of Synthetic Cannabinoids. Alexandria, VA: National Drug Court Institute.

Delta, D., Ages, T. C. V. C., & So Inaccurate, W. A. C. (2021). CBD Oracle Lab Study Shows Some Delta-8 Products Are 7700% Over The Legal Delta-9 THC Limit We Got 51 Hemp-Derived Delta-8 THC Products Tested By An Independent Lab, And Found High Levels Of Delta-9 THC In Most Of Them. And That Was Just The Beginning. Delta.

Järbe, T. U., Hiltunen, A. J., & Mechoulam, R. (1989). Stereospecificity Of The Discriminative Stimulus Functions Of The Dimethylheptyl Homologs Of 11-Hydroxy-Delta 8-Tetrahydrocannabinol In Rats And Pigeons. Journal Of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, 250(3), 1000-1005.

Kruger, J. S., & Kruger, D. J. (2022). Delta-8-THC: Delta-9-THC’s Nicer Younger Sibling?. Journal Of Cannabis Research, 4(1), 1-8.

Noyes, R., Brunk, S. F., Baram, D. A., & Canter, A. (1975). Analgesic Effect Of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology.

Richard, O. N., & Paul, O. B. (2017). Medical Marijuana: Basic Scientific View.

Game up nutrition review 2022

Game Up does excellent in potency tests since all the products passed CBD and THC potency tests to the best of our knowledge. However, the brand has to improve its customer care response time and purity tests. Who is Game Up, and what does he offer? Please peer in our 2022 full review for the brand to get the answers to these questions.

About the Company

Game Up Nutrition was launched in 2019 by the Diaz brothers, Nick and Nate. The company is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is 2 years old in the CBD market. The two were motivated to start the brand to eliminate the stigma athletes, and the general public have toward CBD. It is a product of 2016 efforts that started when Nate challenged UFC into reconsidering the benefits CBD would have on the athletes, especially for post-workout. These efforts bore fruits when UFC announced a partnership with Aurora Cannabis to research CBD. That’s when Game Up was born, and the products sold discreetly to discerning users.


The following characteristics are true for Game Up Nutrition;

  • The brand conducts through 3rd party tests for CBD and THC potencies
  • Lab reports do not include contaminant test results
  • Total CBD concentrations range between 5 mg and 1000 mg
  • The average price point ranges from $0.07 to $1.2 per mg CBD
  • Extract consumption methods include tinctures, pet tinctures, topicals, edibles, and hemp flowers
  • 100% natural ingredients incorporated in the CBD products
  • MCT oil used as a carrier to increase bioavailability
  • The clean, safe, and efficient CO2 extraction method used to strip CBD from the hemp surfaces
  • Extract feature CBD isolates and broad- and full-extract formulations
  • The hemp used in manufacturing CBD is sourced from Oregon and Colorado
  • The manufacturing facilities are cGMP certified
  • The brand is FDA-registered
  • All products are non-GMO


As far as we are concerned, the 3rd party test results posted online on the Game Up Nutrition’s website were accurate. All the products revealed variances less than the 10% acceptable limit. The lowest and the highest variances were 0.54% and 6.18% for the lemon-lime broad-spectrum tincture and the acai berry tincture, respectively. All the broad-spectrum CBD products did not have detectable THC, while the full-spectrum items had THC but below the 0.3% acceptable THC threshold. However, we realized that the brand did not test all its organic products for standard contaminants such as mycotoxins, microbials, heavy metals, residues, and solvents. Consequently, the company does well in potency tests but needs to game up its purity tests to incorporate standard contaminants and post the results online.


We commend Game Up Nutrition for its transparency regarding lab results. It uploads all the potency 3rd party lab results in the ‘Lab Reports’ section of the website, and any interested user can easily view them. Potency and purity tests are part of the quality and control measures that ensure products are safe for consumption and that they deliver as per the indicated dosages on the labels. However, Game Up Nutrition needs to do better, especially because it does not include contaminants in the lab reports. External contaminants such as heavy metals, solvents, microbials, and residues are harmful, and purity tests aim to detect their presence in the products.


Courtesy of its wide selection of extracts and unique formulations strictly featuring natural ingredients, Game Up Nutrition has established itself a name among athletes, and the general public, by extension. The brand is run by former UFC athletes who have experienced the benefits of CBD in their life and can attest to its benefit to others. Besides, the brand is reputable for striving to eliminate the stigma for CBD that athletes and the general public have. Consequently, it’s no wonder that the brand is doing well and shinning, although it is only about two years old in the CBD space.

Manufacturing Process

Game Up Nutrition is a legal US hemp grower sourcing its hemp from the Oregon and Colorado farms. These are among the best farms in the USA renowned for having the best-quality hemp, and most CBD-manufacturing brands source their hemp from them, with no exception to Game Up. The company uses phytocannabinoid-rich hemp strains to produce broad and full-spectrum extracts and CBD isolates. When the hemp plants mature, the flowers are harvested and tested for quality then transported to the manufacturing facilities.

Once in the manufacturing facilities, Game Up Nutrition used the CO2 extraction method to strip CBD from the hemp surface. The method is deemed as clean and efficient in the cannabis space because it eliminates the wanted parts, leaves behind phytocannabinoid-rich CBD and other versatile compounds that augment its effects, yet it leaves no solvent behind. Consequently, the industry prefers it to other methods because it seems safer and lowers the chances of getting solvents into the human system. The end products are CBD isolates and the broad- and full-spectrum formulations. The latter extracts guarantee full entourage effects of CBD, CBG, CBD, and other cannabinoids, phytochemicals, terpenes, and flavonoids, without and with THC for broad and full-spectrum formulations, respectively.

Game Up Nutrition CBD products incorporate additional ingredients that are effect-specific, and all these are 100% natural, further minimizing the use of artificial ingredients and chemicals on consumable products. The next stage is a quality and control step that ensures products are safe for consumption and that the indicated potencies match the actual contents. Game Up uses independent lab tests to conduct THC and CBD potency tests for its products, and it is commendable that, to the best of our knowledge, all the items in the brand’s inventory passed CBD potency tests, posing 0.6%-6.20% variances, well below the acceptable 10% variance limit. Besides, all CBD broad-spectrum CBD products and the CBD isolates tested negative for detectable THC, while the full-spectrum CBD formulations have detectable THC equal to or less than the 0.3% threshold. However, Game Up does not conduct purity tests, and it needs to improve this particular aspect to perform better in the CBD arena.

Range of Products

Game Up Nutrition manufactures a fairly wide assortment of extracts featuring CBD isolates and broad- and full-spectrum formulations. Here are the products you can find on the company’s website;

  1. Game Up Nutrition Edibles

Game Up offers an edible product line that sells 25 mg gummies in 30-count packs. They feature broad-spectrum formulations and deliver full entourage effects without THC. All the gummies are naturally flavored and feature different tastes, including strawberry. The total CBD concentration in a 30-count jar is 750 mg, and the gummies are strictly meant for oral, discreet, and nutritious use. A jar costs $49.99, revealing an average price point of $0.07 per mg CBD.

  1. Game Up Nutrition Hemp Flowers

This product line offers flowers and pre-roll joints, all of which come in full-spectrum formulations. The flowers are non-GMO, but unlike other products in the inventory, they lack an extraction method since users receive them directly from the farms. The pre-roll joints also come in full-spectrum formulations and are rich in phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. They come in different strains, all of which have less than 0.3% THC. The pre-roll joints come in a pack of 4 servings, but you can also choose a single serving.

  1. Game Up Nutrition Pet Tinctures

Do you have a furry or feline buddy? Let him benefit from Game Up Nutrition’s pet tinctures that come in 500 mg concentrations with a 33.33 mg/ml potency. The tinctures cost $44.99, revealing a $0.09 per mg CBD average price point. According to the website, the pet tinctures are strictly for oral or sublingual uses and not otherwise. They are administered according to weight, whereby a 25 lbs dog should receive 2 ml of the oil. Like many products in Game Up’s inventory, the pet tinctures feature natural ingredients, including MCT oil that makes them more bioavailable and readily absorbed in the dogs’ system. They are in full-spectrum formulations; hence they offer the full-entourage effects of CBD, CBG, CBN, other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, with the psychoactive THC.

  1. Game Up Nutrition Topicals

Game Up’s topical line comprises a 5 mg lip balm and a 250 mg muscle pain balm. The balms come in isolate or broad-spectrum CBD formulations, meaning that none of them gets THC into the system. These topical products are strictly applied externally and not otherwise. Moreover, they are also produced through CO2 extraction of CBD from the hemp surfaces, and they are manufactured in a cGMP-compliant facility.

  1. Game Up CBD Tinctures

Game Up has a product line for CBD tinctures in isolate, broad-, and full-spectrum formulations. A typical dosage is ½ or 1 dropperful, which is approximately 1 ml, and should be taken orally or sublingually. The tinctures are made from organic ingredients and feature multiple flavors, including lemon-lime, strawberry, acai berry, and blueberry. They cost between $79.99 and $99.99, revealing an average price point of $0.08- $0.20 per mg CBD.

What We Like About the Company

Our review for Game Up found many likable things about the brand, which also owe it the good reputation it boasts among athletes and the general public, by extension. Here are what we appreciate about this brand;

  • Game Up manufactures its extracts in an FDA-registered facility, assuring consumers of high safety standards
  • The manufacturing facilities used by Game Up are adherent to the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), further assuring consumers of the safety of the CBD products
  • The brand strip CBD from the hemp surfaces using CO2 extraction method, which is deemed safe, clean, and efficient in the CBD space for its ability to eliminate unwanted compounds, leave the wanted versatile compounds, and leave no solvents behind
  • The Oregon and Colorado farms where Game Up sources its hemp practice organic farming, minimizing chances of getting solvents, chemicals, and pesticides into the extracts
  • The company offers the three possible CBD formulations; isolates, broad- and full-spectrum formulations, bringing on board all types of CBD enthusiasts
  • Game Up offers several methods to enjoy its products, including pet tinctures, tinctures, gummies, hemp flowers, and topicals

What We Don’t Like About the Company

Although we identified many perks about CBD, we did not appreciate the following about the brand;

  • Although the company conducts accurate potency lab tests, it does not test products for contaminants
  • Free shipping only comes at $99, which is quite expensive
  • The brand does not offer regular discounts
  • The product lines are not as extensive

Our Verdict

Our review for Game Up was fairly positive. The brand conducts rigorous 3rd party tests, and lab reports show accuracy. However, the brand does not conduct purity tests for contaminants. Besides, its customer service response is slow. Consequently, improving these areas and expanding its product lines will undoubtedly help the brand achieve milestones in the CBD arena.

Fab CBD review

This company’s main target is to help people get better medications and supplements by avoiding over-the-counter medicines which may be ineffective or harmful. They have experience of over 25 years in the fields of fitness, health, supplements, and the pharmaceutical industry. This brand came up with natural and plant-based CBD from the hemp plant. Their products are very affordable compared to other CBD products. The hemp plant used has 0.3% HTC, which means that the products do not cause highness. The CBD present in this company’s products has a purity of 99%.

About the Company

Fab CBD is located in Tampa, Florida. It was launched in 2017 by a team of health fanatics who have experience in fitness, health, supplements, and pharmaceuticals. They strive to provide their customers with the best CBD products and educate consumers on the health benefits of CBD products or natural products.

The company has an up-to-date website containing all lab results. They used the online platform to educate the consumers, which made it more popular, even though it’s a relatively new player in the CBD marketplace. Most people value their online lab results as they are attached to honesty; thus, the company has gained more trust.

Products from FAB CBD have batch numbers and a QR code. These identifications help check online lab results, dosage, and potency from the customers’ end. Furthermore, they place labels on their products, making it easy to read and comprehend dosage suggestions, supplement facts, and precautions.

You can contact FAB CBD through their email: [email protected] or call the HQ office at 855-505-7908. They will respond to you in 24 to 48 hours. Their headquarters are in Fab Nutrition, 37700 S Pennsylvania Ave, Suite #2, Milwaukee WI, 53235. You can also check their FAQ page on their website FAB CBD has social media accounts; Facebook and Instagram with ”FAB CBD” as its username.

The company does international shipping. The shipping cost within the USA is $5.99, but free shipping is offered on orders exceeding $99.00. When shipping through FedEx, you will pay a standard fee of $9.97. The shipping takes a maximum of 7 business days. You can also track your order through a tracking code sent to you when you place an order. Depending on your chosen shipping company, you can track your order via USPS or FedEx.

All the hemp used by this company is grown in Colorado. They ensure only the best is used in all their CBD products. You can buy your FAB CBD product at your local drug retail or order online at

Manufacturing Process

After the hemp plant has been harvested, it is taken to its manufacturing facility for further processing. To avoid any contamination, the company does not use any chemicals in the processing of the CBD. They use a CO2 extraction process that is effective but relatively expensive compared to ethanol. The pressurized CO2 draws the desired phytochemicals such as CBD from the hemp plant.

After the CBD has been extracted, fatal tests are conducted to confirm potency levels that should be less than 10%, significant for more accurate dosage and quality affirmation. They further engage in a microbiological screening to check for micro bacteria and fungi that might damage the CBD. In addition, they do a chemicals and pesticides check to test for heavy metals like lead. These tests are done by an independent third-party lab located at ProVerde.

After testing, the lab results are uploaded to their websites under the Lab Results section. The CBD is broken down into various products then packaged and assigned batch numbers and QR codes. The brand’s products include; CBD oils, topical, gummies, vegan superfood, vape, and pets.

Range of Products

FAB CBD has a wide range of products based on the hemp plant’s byproducts. Notably, these products are naturally occurring used to maximize quality and effectiveness.

CBD Oils

FAB CBD oils are from a full-spectrum CBD oil with a potency range of 1200mg, 600mg, and 300mg. Their oil contains various flavors such as vanilla, mint, citrus, and berry and costs between $0.08 to 0.13 per mg.

FAB CBD oil is soft golden hue in color. The flavors mask the plant-like terpene taste and make it palatable. You can store your FAB CBD oil at room temperature or refrigerate it for a year to maintain freshness.

The dosage for FAB CBD Oil is a half-full dropper, to be administered once or twice a day. The label also gives the supplement information, precautions, and CBD quantity.

FAB CBD Topical

This cream comes in three categories; CBD Slave 1000mg with a potency of 33.33mg/ml, CBD Slave 3000mg with a potency of 40mg/ml, and Topical CBD Cream 600mg with a potency of 10.71mg.

The topical cream contains MCT oil and hemp extract that offers a faint orange smile when applied. Despite being white, the cream is easily absorbed in the skin due to MCT oil, which contains a bioavailability feature.

The FAB CBD Topical contains 600mg full-spectrum hemp oil, aloe vera, cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil, distilled water, citric acid, cetearyl alcohol, vitamin E, blood orange essential oil, cinnamon, potassium sorbet, polysorbate 60, optiphen plus and chamomile.

FAB CBD Gummies

The FAB CBD gummies are manufactured using isolate, making them 100% free of any HTC. They are gluten-free, non-GMO, and fruit-flavored, with each chew having 25mg of CBD with a total of 750mg organic hemp plant extracts per serving.

Unlike most gummies, FAB CBD gummies are easy and soft to chew. They are vegan-friendly and non-GMO, containing vitamin D3, B12, and phytocannabinoids.

FAB CBD Vegan Superfood

The FAB CBD vegan superfood is packed with 80 micronutrients. Consuming this superfood helps your body absorb CBD better. They are offered in a count of 30 per serving for $79.


Fab CBD offers vape pens that are fully disposable and have zero VG or PG. They are blended with MCT oil and are ready for use straight from the box. CBD Vape pen 500mg with a potency of 10 mg/ml goes for $49 and mg/CBD for $0.1.


The CBD dog treats are flavored in chicken, salmon, and peanut butter to make them irresistible. These treats are THC-free, with each having 30mg of CBD going for $34 per bag. Currently, the company offers three treats; CBD Dog Treats Active Immune 120mg with the potency of 3mg/unit, CBD Dog Treats Calm and Cool, 132mg with the potency of 3mg/unit, and the CBD Dog Treats Skin and Coat 138mg with the potency of 3mg/unit.

The dog treats are free of corn, soy, wheat, or dairy. They also provide turmeric, passion flower, milk thistle, coconut oil, salmon oil, and flavonoids. The recommended dosage is half a treat to two treats per day, depending on the dog size.

What we Like About the Company

The company offers a 15% discount to first-time buyers to save and appreciate customers’ efforts in choosing their brand. Customers also get points on every dollar spent that are redeemable.

FAB CBD’s website is well arranged and updated with lots of information. It also offers free shipping within the USA for orders above $99. Additionally, their products are organic and vegan friendly. During extraction and manufacturing, the company minimizes chemicals to avoid contaminating the products and the environment. The company also offers a 30-day full-refund policy to customers who don’t find their products effective. Lastly, they offer discounts to special groups such as the military and people living with long-term disabilities.

What We Don’t Like About the Company

Although the company is determined to offer quality products that will help people address their daily health and wellness concerns, they ought to improve in a few areas. They should offer free shipping despite the lowest amount used in making purchases to attract more customers. In addition, some of their products lack QR codes, making it difficult to trace the lab reports and affirm the potency variance.

Final Verdict

FAB CBD products are highly recommended because of multiple reasons. They are of high quality and manufactured by a team of professionals, helping them develop the highest quality within the CBD market. After each batch has been crafted, the company ensures they are tested for purity and potency before being released to the market. The company also needs to improve its production to avoid delays when the sales are out to make more isolated products.

Edens herbals CBD review

Edens Herbal CBD brand offers quality products at low prices. It displays relevant information regarding its operation from farming to manufacturing for transparency. The company is eco-friendly and upholds organic farming practices to avoid contaminating hemp with chemical fertilizers and pesticides during manufacturing. After each batch has been manufactured, it’s tested for potency and purity for quality and safety affirmation. The company abides by FDA manufacturing protocols. Furthermore, it has received a B+ rating from BBB, even though it has not been certified by it. All operations done by the company are within the USA, right from harvesting to packing. The company relies on its hemp farm located in Colorado, which manufactures quality CBD products in full-spectrum and isolates using CO2 hemp plant extracts. The company has offered various contact details that help its customers reach its support team. Moreover, its products are shipped within 7 days from the day of placing the order. Currently, they are offering tinctures, isolate powder, gummies, topicals, and dog biscuits.

About the company

Edens Herbals offers scientifically backed up products to address various health and wellness concerns. The company operated on transparency to win its customer’s trust at competitive prices. It has given detailed information on the relevance of CBD products and how plant-based products can positively impact our health. The company was established by Robert Panek Jr, Robert Panek’s son. Although much information has not been offered about them and other team members, the company clarifies that its headquarters are located in Sanford, ME.

Its website contains the latest features, including blogs and FAQ pages. The blogs address various concerns and give a detailed explanation of various concerns, such as the significance of CBD products over other products. Navigating within the website is quite easy since the information has been displayed in an organized manner. Since we are interested in the buying experience, we ordered a few products. Its product catalog is well-defined and differentiated according to its formulation; tinctures, gummies, and topicals. The company offers a product description under each product to help its customers understand its components. The product descriptions include ingredients, THC and CBD levels, administering the products, dosage, and prices.

We added and removed products from our shopping cart without experiencing any technicalities or suspicious activities. The company allows payments from either the bank or credit card. After making payments, we received an email immediately confirming our order. The email had a tracking number, a list of products we had ordered, and the expected delivery date. As the company had stated in the email, we received our products on the third day; products are delivered within 7 days. The products were discreetly packed that no one could notice what they were.

Each product’s label contains QR codes to help customers verify the lab results offered. They state a list of ingredients, CBD and THC levels, and contaminant tests on their labels. We, therefore, scanned the codes using our smartphones. Our tinctures had a potency variance of 7%, which is acceptable since it’s within the 10% limit. The products are void of detectable THC, pesticides, mycotoxins, solvents, heavy metals, and contaminants.

According to the company, if your products are not effective as stated by the brand, the customers are entitled to a full refund. The company gives 30 days to allow consumers to test the product’s effectiveness. Suppose they fail to deliver the purported functions, a complaint concerning a full refund should be channeled to its support team. Customers who might have received damaged products should file a complaint through the support team within 48 hours upon receiving the products. The company assesses the product’s condition after receiving them before exchanging or approving refunds. Products returned for a refund should be in their original packaging since they only accept unopened products.

Since we are interested in the reputation of various CBD companies and the performance of their products in the market, we checked whether it had received any warnings from FDA or negative comments from BBB. Even though the company is not BBB accredited, it has received a B+ rating from the body. There were no warnings from the FDA, which is a sign of quality products and good customer service. Since the company is interested in consumers feedback to help it assess its market performance, it has a review page. This page has numerous positive reviews, which indicates customer satisfaction. However, it has three negative reviews due to delayed shipping and pricing miscommunication. The company responded to each review remorsefully, promising the customers to work on the issues addressed.

Manufacturing Process

The company has been growing quality hemp from Colorado with the help of local partners. Eden’s Herbals use a family-owned farm in Colorado and Washington to grow organic hemp, which helps them monitor its hemp growth and ensure no artificial fertilizers and pesticides are used to enhance the rapid growth of the hemp. As a result, they have been manufacturing non-GMO products. The company also uses various organic elements such as MCT oil to improve the effectiveness of its products.

Eden herbal company only uses significant elements of the organic hemp plant to manufacture its products. The CO2 extraction method has been helpful to the company since it helps pull out useful cannabinoids and terpenes from the hemp plant. Unlike other extraction methods such as ethanol, CO2 is effectively regarded as clean. The method is eco-friendly and minimizes the risks of contaminating the products. After extraction, the crude oil is blended with other significant natural elements to yield rapid effectiveness and quality products.

The products are carefully crafted with a team of experts in the manufacturing and chemical industry to ensure the quality and safety of the products are attained. After manufacturing, the products are tested to ensure no harmful substances have infiltrated them. The company prefers an independent laboratory to the public since public labs have a bad reputation on accuracy levels. The role of the lab is to confirm that the product’s THC and CBD levels don’t exceed 0.3% and 10%, respectively. All their practices are done within the USA. The company provides the results and QR codes on its website and products for customer affirmation.

Range of Products

Although Eden’s Herbals has a limited line of products, they are manufactured with great care and a team of experts to maximize quality. They are offered in a considerable potency range that might be effective to newbies and veterans at affordable rates.

Eden’s Herbals Gummies

Eden’s Herbals gummies have an added advantage since they are offered in 12 different flavors. The company offers its gummies in three potency levels; 500mg ($29.99), 1000mg ($39.99), and 1200mg ($39.99). The gummies are manufactured using organic hemp plant extracts alongside MCT oil to enhance rapid effectiveness. The gummies are recommended for oral use only. Although the gummies are non-GMO and organic, they are not vegan. According to guidelines, the company recommends at most 3 gummies a day.

Edens Herbals Tinctures

The company offers its tinctures in various potency levels, isolate and full-spectrum, ranging from 500mg to 3000mg. They are manufactured using CO2 hemp plant extracts alongside MCT oil as a bioavailability carrier that enhances rapid absorption. Eden herbals tinctures come in a serving of 30ml bottle. According to the guidelines, the company recommends 1ml per day. Each serving comes with accurate market droppers to help you take the correct dose. It is recommended for oral use, sublingual, or added to your favorite food or beverage. Currently, it is available in unflavored and cinnamon options.

Eden’s Herbals Topicals

The company offers two topical products; Body Lotion (1000mg) at $34.99 and Salve Roll-on Stick (1000mg) at $34.99. They are formulated using CO2 hemp plant extracts alongside MCT oil to improve skin absorption. According to the company, they are for topical use only. Each topical is tested for potency, THC variance, and purity. The company uses various oils during manufacturing to allow smooth application.

Edens Herbal Dog Treats

Pet products have become common within the CBD market. The company offers quality products using CO2 organic hemp plant extracts alongside various organic elements such as MCT oil for its dog treats. They are offered in peanut butter, carrots, apples, and molasses flavors to make them irresistible. Before being released to the market, they are tested for potency and purity as a safety and quality measure to ensure your dog gets the best.

What We Like About the Company

The company offers quality products in a considerable potency range. Apart from availing its products in isolate and full-spectrum formulation, they also have a unique product, including biscuits. The company has been certified by FDA, and all its products are organic and non-GMO. As a safety precaution, before any of its products get to the market, they are tested for purity, potency, and quality. Its shipping is fast, and the support team readily offers assistance. The company is among a few brands offering human and pet products.

What We Don’t Like About the Company

Free shipping has become a common trend and an advantage to various brands. Therefore, this company needs to offer free shipping despite the minimum amount used to make purchases to attract more customers. It also needs to consider offering vegan products since most people prefer them for better health.

Overall Verdict

As we assessed the brand, its performance was excellent. Consumers looking for quality products that contain the stated potency variance can try Eden’s Herbal CBD products. It has covered its weaknesses by turning them into advantages. Although it has a few weaknesses, none deals with the quality of its products. The company should consider offering vegan products as an added advantage. Also, it should offer free shipping and add various trending products such as vape products. Lastly, although it has a few weaknesses, the products are safe and of high quality.

Diamond CBD review 2022

Diamond CBD calls itself the pioneer of CBD since it was established in 2015 when CBD movements just kicked off. Looking at its website, you might feel confused by the multiple products you see on its portfolio. It offers technically any CBD product you would want, including drinks, gummies, smokables, capsules, creams, tinctures, and vapes. Moreover, it sells items by other companies besides its CBD products listed above. The total CBD concentrations per product range from 42 mg to 3500 mg, and the products come in full-spectrum formulations and CBD isolates. You can get the CBD products at anything between $5.99 and $189.99, revealing an average price point of $0.04 to $0.3 per mg CBD. What’s more, Diamond CBD sells delta- 8 and 10 products. All the hemp used by the brand comes from the organic and sustainable Kentucky, Colorado, and Scandinavian farms and the clean and safe CO2 extraction method used to strip the extracts from the hemp surfaces.

About the Company

Diamond CBD is a Florida-based CBD brand. It was launched in 2015 when CBD legislation started its move toward legalizing CBD use. It sources its organic, non-GMO hemp from Colorado, Kentucky, and Scandinavian farms and uses them to manufacture the finest and purest CBD products. It offers full- and broad-spectrum CBD products and CBD isolates. Moreover, the brand also deals in CBD products from other brands and also offers delta-8 and 10 products. Diamond CBD is under the Pot Network Holdings Inc, and is indeed a diamond brand. It boasts a large team of scientists, chemists, and doctors who consistently research hemp and CBD to produce the finest and purest CBD products.

Diamond CBD states its mission as being innovative and engaging in research to produce the finest and purest CBD products, make them accessible, and sell them affordably to clients. Its doctors, chemists, and scientists indeed research hemp extracts to produce such high-quality items. The brand offers technically any CBD item you would need, including gummies, vapes, isolates, creams, skincare items, capsules, and CBD drinks. It uses CO2 extraction to strip CBD oil from the hemp surfaces and additional natural ingredients, including MCT oil for increased bioavailability.


The following specifications are true to Diamond CBD

  • Organic, non-GMO hemp
  • USA-sourced hemp
  • Extract feature full- and broad-spectrum formulations and CBD isolates
  • Extract consumption method include gummies, drinks, topicals, vapes, smokables, etc.
  • The clean CO2 extraction method is used to strip CBD from them hemp surfaces
  • Total CBD concentrations range from 42 mg to 3500 mg
  • The average price point is $0.04- $0.3 per mg CBD
  • Items cost $5.99 to $189.99
  • A 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Free shipping for orders worth $100 and above
  • No military veteran discounts
  • Shipping is via express option and takes 2 days

Hemp Quality

Diamond CBD boasts high-quality hemp it uses to produce the finest and purest CBD products in its portfolio. It sources its hemp from farms in Scandinavia, Kentucky, and Colorado, and uses the clean and safe CO2 extraction method to strip hemp from the CBD surfaces. The hemp plants in the mentioned farms are organic and non-GMO, and the farms practice sustainable organic methods and do not use chemicals and fertilizers throughout the growing period.

Buying Experience

We loved our buying experience on Diamond CBD’s website. Although you might feel overwhelmed with the wide assortment of products, the site is well-organized and easy to navigate. The Shop section of the site allows you choose the products you want based on many factors, including All, CBD categories (capsules, skincare, creams, gummies, tinctures and oils, smokables, vapes, etc.), delta-8, delta- 10, CBD strength (42 mg – 3500 mg), and solution (focus, buzz, sleep, wellness, etc.). All you have to do is select the items you need, add them to the cart, and check out once done to fill in your billing and physical location details. There is a discount for first-time buyers you can take advantage of to save a few bucks. If your items are worth $100 and above, free shipping applies via express option and takes 2 days after order confirmation.


The FDA does not regulate CBD products as it does for drugs. As such, CBD regulations require CBD brand to conduct 3rd party testing to ensure their products are contaminant-free and that the CBD and THC concentrations indicated on the labels are real. Diamond CBD observes these laws, and engages independent labs to conduct 3rd party testing for its products. The products are tested for THC and CBD potencies, and purity, and all the results are posted on the website on the CBD Lab Reports section.


As far as accuracy is concerned, Diamond CBD has a long way to go. It tests products’ THC and CBD potencies but the results reveal serious inaccuracies. For instance, the 2500 mg CBD Infused oils had 3170 mg CBD, translating to a 26.9% variance, which is way more than the 10% acceptable variance limit. Besides, the 200 mg Chill Gummies, another popular product by the brand, had 234 mg CBD instead of the 200 mg as indicated on the label. This translated to a 17.5% variance, which is still more than the 10% acceptable variance limit.

Manufacturing Process

Diamond CBD controls all processes involved in manufacturing its finest and purest CBD products, including breeding, growing, harvesting, preparation, extraction, and CBD manufacture. It sources hemp from Kentucky, Colorado, and Scandinavian farms. These farms are sustainable andand organic, and apply organic techniques to grow their hemp plants. As such, there is no pesticides, herbicides, or artificial fertilizers throughout the growing process. Once the hemp plants mature and are harvested, the brand uses the supercritical CO2 extraction method to strip CBD from the hemp surfaces. The final CBD extracts are in isolates, broad- and full-spectrum options. Of course, the brand also sells delta- 8 and 10 products, and these are removed from the extracts. Diamond CBD features additional ingredients in its products, all of which are natural, and include MCT oil for increased bioavailability.

The next step includes 3rd party testing, a quality and control strategy CBD brands employ to ensure their products are free from contaminants and deliver THC and CBD as indicated on the labels. Diamond CBD subjects its products to 3rd party testing by independent labs before having them ready for sales. Besides, the lab reports and certificates of analysis (CoA) are available online in the CBD Lab Reports section at the bottom of the website.

Range of Products

Diamond CBD boasts a wide range of items, including;

Diamond CBD Bath & Body Products

This line includes facial toners, hair and body lotions, bath bombs, and other products, all infused with CBD. They cost $12.00 to $100, and have total CBD concentrations ranging from 100 mg to 500 mg. As such, the average price point for the body and bath products is $0.09 to $0.12 per mg CBD.

Diamond CBD Creams

Another topical product line in Diamond CBD’s inventory is creams. The brand offers under-eye lotions and creams with CBD or antioxidants. These items are strictly for topical application, and are not applied otherwise. The price for creams ranges from $51.99 to $97.48, reveling an average price point of $0.09- $0.10 per mg CBD. The creams have 500 or 1000 mg total CBD, and pose a 4.17 to 33. 33 mg/ml potency.

Diamond CBD Capsules

The brand also offers CBD capsules. Like other products in the company’s inventory, they are made from CBD oil extracted from the Kentucky, Colorado, and Scandinavian farms. The capsules cost $12.99, and pose and average price point of $0.06, which is well within the market range.

Diamond CBD Drinks

Do you enjoy benefiting from CBD when you take its products orally as drinks? Diamond CBD offers CBD drinks as powders and shots. What’s more, they can be bought on bundled deals, allowing you to save a few bucks on them.

Diamond CBD Edibles

Diamond CBD boasts a wide assortment of CBD edibles in the forms of sour faces, CBD pop cakes, watermelon slices, rainbow bites, gummies, etc. The prices vary dramatically, and are influenced by the item in question and the total CBD concentration in it. The cheapest and most expensive edibles cost $12.99 and $198.00, revealing an average price point of $0.19 to $0.25 per mg CBD.

Diamond CBD Oils

These tinctures come in varied ranges, featuring 100 to 3500 mg total CBD concentrations. Besides, they come in multiple flavors including raspberry, strawberry, sugar, cake butter, unflavored, etc. With the $12.99 to $110 price range, these items pose an average price point of $0.09 to $0.10 per mg CBD.

Diamond CBD Vape Oils

The brand offers vape oils with varying CBD concentrations, ranging from 42 mg to 670 mg. The cost $3.00 to $50.00, revealing an average price point of $0.13 to $0.3. Besides, the total CBD potency is 41.67- 42 mg/ml.

What We Like About the Company

We appreciated several things about Diamond CBD, including;

  • The brand has a team of experts that research CBD and help it produce the finest quality and purest CBD products it boasts
  • The brand offers a wide assortment of products, featuring different flavors, potencies, and formulations
  • The 3rd party tests the brand conducts help CBD consumer know the safety of products they are offered
  • Diamond CBD offers free shipping for orders worth $100 and above
  • The 30-day money-back guarantee allows dissatisfied clients to return items and seek refunds
  • The brand’s website is detailed, and include a comprehensive FAQ link
  • Diamond CBD offers web visitors a great shopping experience since it is easily navigable

What We Do Not Like About the Company

Despite the many pros, Diamond CBD has a few areas calling for improvements. For instance;

  • Its $100 free shipping is high, and not every CBD consumer can attain it
  • The brand does not ship CBD products internationally
  • The wide assortment of products may confuse a person
  • Some of the products were not tested for contaminants
  • Some items, including the Chill Gummies and CBD Infused 2500 mg tinctures, posed variances higher than the 10% acceptable limit

Our Verdict

We loved our review for Diamond CBD. The brand boasts a wide assortment of products, including edibles, topical, drinks, capsules, inhalables in full-spectrum and isolate formulations, and delta- 8 & 10 items. Other strongholds for this brand include the 30-day money-back guarantee, free shipping at $100 and above, CBD research, and an easily navigable website. Nonetheless, not all products were contaminant-tested, some items posed higher CBD variances that the allowed, and the $100 free shipping threshold may not be attainable by all. Consequently, improving these areas will help the brand win an even larger loyal customer base.

Canibrands review 2022

Canibrands is one of the many CBD companies in the hemp space that have grown following the great hype around CBD and its potential. It offers premium quality CBD products that feature full- and broad-spectrum CBD and come in the form of body sprays, topicals, softgels, and tinctures. As such, the brand needs to expand its product inventory. Nonetheless, there is a huge CBD concentration range, from 25 to 6000mg, allowing all novices and veterans with varied concentration needs. All its products are extracted using human-grade ethanol, after which they are formulated with MCT oil to increase the bioavailability and absorbability of the cannabinoids once the products interact with the human system.

About the Company

Canibrands calls itself the trusted brand for wellness, fitness, and sports in the CBD marketplace. It sources organic hemp throughout the US, and only liaises with farmers that uphold organic standards. It offers full- and broad-spectrum CBD products available in sprays, topicals, tinctures, and softgels. The total CBD concentrations for these products range from25 mg to 6000 mg, bringing on board all CBD enthusiasts, whether novices who are starting out or veterans who are used to concentrated CBD products.

The brand’s website is well-designed and easily navigable, giving any website an easy time surfing through. It has a FAQ link that leads to a comprehensive page, and all its products have independent 3rd party test results, most of which offer contaminant purity and CBD/THC test results. One outstanding thing about Canibrands is the accuracy of its products. All the four products we ordered passed CBD and THC potency tests, posing variances less than the 10% acceptable limit and the 0.3% THC threshold. Moreover, three out of the four products passed purity tests and were free of heavy metals, solvents, residues, microbials, and mycotoxins.

There is much to be admired about Canibrands, including its average price point of $0.05 per mg, which is well below the market average. Besides, it offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee that reviews refunds and exchanges for unused items and the $49 threshold, which allows free shipping throughout the USA. In addition, the professionally-designed website the brand boasts four categories; sleep, recovery, energy, and wellness, which make the shopping experience easy. Nonetheless, Canibrands’ CBD product inventory is narrow and deserves to be expanded.


The following specs are true for Canibrands CBD;

  • Extracts feature full- and broad-spectrum formulations
  • Extracts available in softgels, sprays, tinctures, and topicals
  • Ethanol extraction used to strip CBD from the hemp surfaces
  • MCT oil used to formulate the products to increase the bioavailability and absorbability of the cannabinoids
  • Military veteran discounts available
  • Products guarantee flavors
  • Total CBD concentrations for the products range between 25 and 6000 mg
  • Thorough independent 3rd party lab tests
  • The product’s average price point is $0.05 per mg CBD
  • Products cost $14.99 to $159.99
  • cGMP-compliant facilities
  • a money-back guarantee accompanies products
  • free shipping for orders worth $49 and above
  • Non-GMO and contaminant-free products

Hemp Quality

Hemp quality is a critical factor in the hemp space since it determines the quality of the final CBD brands, ultimately determining whether a company holds on to or lets go of its customer base. As such, reputable brands focus on sourcing high-quality hemp to manufacture their CBD brands. Canibrands is one such company. It sources its hemp throughout the USA and ensures that it partners with farmers growing organic non-GMO hemp strains only, after which it uses human-grade ethanol to extract CBD oil from the hemp surfaces. What’s more, the brand uses cGMP-compliant facilities to manufacture its premium quality CBD products.

Buying Experience

The shopping experience on Canibrands’ website is enjoyable, considering the site is professionally designed and easily navigable. The Shop Now button launches various shopping options, including experience (Cani-Boost, Cani-Fresh, Cani-Sleep & Cani-Mend), category (cream, softgel, spray, oil, and balms), and bundled options on the two categories. All a person has to do is select the items of interest, add them to the cart, and check out to fill in billing and physical location details. The brand offers military veterans discounts which one becomes eligible for after confirming identity. If the orders are worth $49 and above, Canibrands offers free shipping throughout the USA. Otherwise, a flat shipping charge of $7.75 applies to all destinations.


Transparency is critical in every industry, especially when dealing with ingestible products. The FDA does not regulate the production of CBD products to control transparency, so the companies are needed to conduct independent 3rd party tests to examine products for potency and purity. Such tests confirm the absence of standard contaminants like heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, residues, and solvents and also check whether the THC and CBD potencies indicated on the labels match the actual contents. Canibrands adhere to these regulations and tests their products for potency and purity, after which it posts the results online of the respective product pages. It, however, does not have a centralized hub for the lab results.


CBD brands need not only to conduct independent 3rd party tests but also indicate the CBD and THC variances which then indicate the brand’s accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, we can say that Canibrands does a good job of ensuring potency accuracy. All the products we ordered passed potency tests, showing total CBD and THC concentrations to be less than the 10% acceptable limit and the 0.3% threshold, respectively. Moreover, the products passed purity tests and showed no presence of heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, residues, and solvents.

Manufacturing Process

Canibrands is a legal hemp grower and processor that liaises with farmers throughout the USA to source high-quality hemp that produces the premium quality products it deals in. It strives to partner with farmers who observe organic and sustainable farming practices only, ensuring that none of its products get a tint of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Interestingly, all the products whose test results were posted online passed purity tests and were free of solvents and chemicals.

Once the hemp matures, it is harvested and transported to the brand’s cGMP-compliant facilities. These facilities uphold safety standards by the current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), guaranteeing CBD consumers of the product safety. It then uses human-grade ethanol to strip CBD off the hemp surfaces, resulting in full-spectrum and THC-free formulations. Most brands formulate their CBD extracts with MCT oil to increase product absorbability and cannabinoid bioavailability, and Canibrands is no exception, making its products more bioavailable and fast-acting.

The next step is the independent 3rd party testing, which constitutes quality and control steps run to examine products for THC and CBD potencies and contaminant purity. Canibrands meets these requirements and contracts modern scientific labs to test its products for purity and potency. What’s more, it uploads the results online on every product page, making them easily available for viewership. The process is complete at this stage, and the brand only awaits orders.

Range of Products

Canibrands has a narrow CBD inventory comprising the following premium quality products;

Canibrands CBD Tinctures

Canibrands’ CBD tinctures pose an average price point of $0.04- $0.18 and come in various potencies, ranging from 150 to 6000 mg. According to the website, the oils are strictly for oral and sublingual use, but can be added to foods and beverages. You can choose from the four Cani-Rest, Cani-Boost, Cani-Fresh, and Cani-Sleep categories.

Canibrands CBD Oral Sprays

These oral sprays are ethanol-extracted, MCT oil-formulated, and feature full-spectrum CBD. They have an average price point of $0.03 – $0.18 per mg CBD, and feature multiple CBD concentrations, ranging from 150 to 6000 mg. They are available in all four categories.

Canibrands CBD Softgels

The softgels are available in the Cani-Rest category only, are ethanol-extracted, MCT oil-formulated, and pose an average price point of $0.09 per mg CBD. The 30-count jar delivers 750 mg CBD since each gel contains 25 mg CBD. The softgels are for oral use only, with a serving being one softgel.

Canibrands CBD Topicals

The brand offers topical products strictly meant for external application and pose an average price point of $0.03- $0.17 per mg CBD. They are available in the Cani-Energy category only, but potencies vary, with CBD concentrations ranging from 150 to 1200 mg CBD.

What We Like About the Company

Our review appreciated many things about Canibrands, including;

  • Canibrands uses non-GMO hemp to manufacture its CBD products, which is ideal, considering the many controversies around the genetic modification of organisms
  • The brand manufactures its products in a cGMP-compliant facility, ensuring the highest safety standards are ensured throughout the cycle
  • The broad- and full-spectrum products offered by the brand guarantees full entourage effects with or without THC
  • The brand boasts premium quality products, which the testimonials by some of the world’s athletes confirm
  • Canibrands helps its clients save a few bucks by offering them free shipping once their orders hit $49
  • The 30-day satisfaction guarantee allows dissatisfied clients to file complaints and receive refunds or exchanges when the claims are verified
  • Canibrands offers military veterans discounts as a way of appreciating their work
  • The brand’s average price point of $0.05 per mg CBD is well below the market average, meaning its products are affordably priced

What We Do Not Like About the Company

Although there is much to be admired about Canibrands, the company has its kinks which must be straightened for it to see new milestones in the CBD space. For instance;

  • It charges a 10% fee to restock returned items as it continues reviewing clients
  • Its shipping options take 5-7 business days from the time of order processing, which is relatively long
  • The $49 free shipping threshold is relatively high and may not be attained by all clients
  • The 30-day satisfaction guarantee only applies to unused products
  • Canibrands has a narrow CBD product inventory that needs to be improved
  • The brand does not offer edible products in its inventory

Our Verdict

Our review for Canibrands was not bad, considering that the brand boasts a professionally-designed website with testimonials from various world’s popular athletes, uses natural, non-GMO, organic hemp to manufacture its CBD products, conducts rigorous 3rd party tests and posts the results online, offers military veteran discounts, a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, and free shipping for orders worth $49 and above. What’s more, Canibrand’s average price points are well below the market average, and the online results reveal accuracy in potency and purity tests. Nonetheless, the company has its kinks that desire straightening. For instance, the satisfaction guarantee is limited to unused products, the free shipping threshold is relatively high, and the product inventory is narrow, with only sofgels, tinctures, topicals, and sprays being offered. As such, improving the mentioned areas will see the brand perform better in the cannabis space.

Best CBD bath bombs to try in 2021

If soaking in a warm bath is your favorite way to end the day, CBD bath bombs are something you must try. A CBD bath can help you relax, ease sore muscles, and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. In fact, it can have an important role in keeping your body, soul, and mind at ease. To help you understand the benefits of bath bombs and discover the best bath bombs to try now, we’ve prepared an extensive guide and a product roundup.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is found in cannabis plants — hemp and marijuana. The hemp-derived CBD doesn’t contain psychoactive components, which means it won’t produce a high feeling. Instead, CBD has multiple health benefits, and it naturally supports the ESC, thus promoting endocannabinoid production. Also, it helps optimize the system’s functions, affecting how much cortisol the body builds, how the body responds to stress, and how rapidly it recovers from it.

What Are CBD Bath Bombs?

CBD bath bombs have become very popular in the past few years. These bombs are dry balls containing sodium bicarbonate, CBD, citric acid, Epsom salt, some essential oils, and pleasant scents depending on the intended use. The sodium bicarbonate causes these balls to dissolve when put in the water. As a result, the essential oils are released, providing a spa-like experience.

How do CBD Bath Bombs Work?

A hot bath opens the pores, allowing the CBD to be absorbed quickly. This makes bath bombs fast-acting products with increased pain-relief and calming effects. They are ideal if you’re looking to treat body aches and inflammation linked to arthritis. Another frequent use of CBD bath bombs is treating skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Beth bombs will take the relaxation to the next, helping lower anxiety and improve the sleep cycle. Of course, the effectiveness of the CBD bath bomb will depend on the CBD concentration and quality of the product.

Top CBD Bath Bombs Benefits and Effects

Below, find the most common benefits associated with the use of CBD bath bombs.


A warm bath enriched with a CBD bath bomb will help you feel relaxed. The tension will fade away, and your sore muscles will be relieved. Cannabinoids interact with the Endocannabinoid system responsible for regulating movement, pain-sensation, mood, inducing stress relief. If intending to use CBD bath bombs for relaxation, consider ingredients like lavender and eucalyptus to make the bath more beneficial.

Skin Detox

The combination of CBD and Epsom salt prompts magnesium absorption through the skin, drawing out harmful body toxins. This will make you feel more lightweight and promote overall health improvement.

Skin Care

The hot water opens the pores and increases the blood flow. The Epsom salt draws out the harmful toxins from the body, while CBD and essential oils penetrate through the skin. This process nourishes the skin, leaving it soft, elastic, and glowy. What is more, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, bath bombs can help you reduce redness and irritation. What is more, CBD regulates sebum production, allowing the body to manage moisture and prevent acne breakout.

Mental Clarity

Beyond relaxation helps you clear your mind and be more focused. This is because CBD affects the Endocannabinoid system, which regulates emotions and mood. CBD boosts serotonin levels in the body and interacts with other neural systems.

Pain Relief

A warm bath infused with CBD and essential oils of lavender, rosemary, or eucalyptus will help you manage pain and relieve muscle ache. It acts on the whole body at once, and the effects typically last longer. It’s especially good if you’re having back and shoulder ache.

Are CBD Bath Bombs Safe?

CBD bath bombs are unlikely to produce any unwanted effects. However, as with any new product, you should test it before use. This is especially important for people with sensitive skin. Before submerging the whole body, dilute a small amount and apply it to a small area of your skin to see if you’ll have any reaction.

The Best CBD Bath Products to Try

During the trial period, we’ve received dozens of products to test. However, only a few of them have met our criteria and made this list. We looked for the amount of CBD contained in the product, ingredients, effects and benefits, and the company’s transparency. Here are the top companies and their unique products you must try for your next home spa day.


JustCBD is a fairly new player in the industry. Founded in 2017, the brand’s goal is to get high-quality CBD products closer to people worldwide. The team aims to show consumers the real potential and value of CBD. In addition, they are committed to being fully transparent and always let consumers know how their products are processed and where they source their materials.

“At JustCBD, we believe that you have the right to know what is inside your CBD products. It is our mission and promise never to misrepresent the content of our products,” said the company’s representative. For each product, there is a lab report proving its safety and quality. What is more, the products are pretty affordable. The product range offered is broad, and JustCBD is also a top place to find CBD bath bombs for sale.

Citrus CBD Bath Bomb

  • Citrus scent
  • 25mg of CBD per bath bomb
  • Refreshing

The Citrus CBD bath bomb from JustCBD combines the therapeutic powers of CBD and Citrus Essential oils. It works wonders for stress relief, and I also found it helpful for easing down to sound sleep. The fizzers are slowly released, bringing a bubbly sensation that relaxes your entire body. The packaging is simple, but the orange and white colors of the bomb are amazing.

Sweet Cherry CBD Bath Bomb

  • Potent cherry scent
  • Mood-boosting properties
  • 25mg of CBD per bomb

If you want to boost your mood and end the day on a more positive note, the Sweet Cherry CBD bomb is what you need. The scent is potent yet very pleasant. It reminds of warm summer days and happy moments and lingers long after the bath. The bath bomb is enriched with aloe vera, witch hazel, and cedarwood, making you feel more balanced and confident.

Eucalyptus CBD Bath Bomb

  • Fresh
  • Highly fragrant
  • Relaxing

Fresh and relaxing, the Eucalyptus CBD bomb smells clean, and it’s great for washing the stress away. In addition, it can provide a mental escape when needed. The bomb is highly fragrant, and the fresh scent stays on for hours. It’s also an excellent option for allergies or nasal congestion as it helps open the nasal airway.

Healthy Roots

Healthy Roots came to life to help people get access to high-quality products at affordable prices. The vision behind the brand is to enable everyone to live their best life. Healthy Roots Hemp provides full-spectrum hemp extract oil products designed to provide balance, boost overall health, and ease discomfort. From cultivation to shelf, all products are manufactured in the family-owned farm and production facility.

The company has built a reputation for being honest and transparent. “Our Master Manufacturing Records, Batch Manufacturing Records, and Standard Operating Procedures are some of the most useful tools for our product quality and standards. We keep records of everything from equipment calibration to Ingredient supplier verifications just to make sure that our products have everything the labels state,” said the company’s representative.

Stay Rooted CBD Bath Bomb Lemongrass And Orange

  • Lemongrass and orange aroma
  • 200mg CBD
  • Natural coloring

The Lemongrass and Orange CBD bath bomb smells refreshing and energizing. Simply by dropping the CBD bath bomb in warm water, you’ll be blown away from the exotic aroma. After soaking in, you’ll feel revitalized and energized. It’s great for a morning bath if you need an energy kick to get through the day. You can purchase the CBD bath bomb separately or in a bundle with the other Healthy Roots Stay Rooted CBD bombs.

Stay Rooted CBD Bath Bomb Relaxing Lavender

  • Lavender-infused
  • Relaxing
  • Natural coloring

The perfect CBD bath bomb for relaxation, the Relaxing Lavander is, as the name suggests, enriched with Lavender essential oil. Its scent is lovely, and the pleasant purple coloring is entirely natural. The bomb makes great fizz, and as soon as you soak in, you’ll feel the tension going away. It’s also very soothing on the skin and promotes a good night’s sleep.

Stay Rooted CBD Bath Bomb Citrus Hibiscus

  • Dried hibiscus flowers
  • Citrus aroma
  • Chemical-free

The all-natural CBD bomb is infused with Grapefruit, Bergamont, Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang Essential Oils. It has a citrus aroma with a floral undertone. The bomb feels and looks luxurious, featuring an all-white coloring and dried hibiscus flowers for an enhanced experience. Stay Rooted Citrus Hibiscus CBD bath bomb has amazing skin softening properties. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, leaving it glowy.

Stay Rooted CBD Bath Bomb Peppermint And Rosemary

  • Rosemary and Peppermint Essential Oils
  • Refreshing
  • Good for nasal congestion

With refreshing peppermint and rosemary scent, this CBD bath bomb will help you feel more relaxed. Additionally, the Peppermint essential oil helps with nasal congestion and relieves allergy symptoms. The natural coloring combination of white and green looks very calming. The skin feels soft and elastic.

Crystal Body Drip

Realizing there aren’t any products relating to nanotechnology n the form of CBD, Sam and Tesa decided to create Crystal Body Drip — a brand that would offer the maximum benefits of CBD and fit into everyone’s lifestyle. The company’s signature daytime formula is enriched with Vitamin B-12 designed to give you a boost and get you through the day. The nighttime formula includes melatonin and promotes serotonin production, fighting the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Lavender Bath Soak

  • Lavender-infused
  • Mystery crystal included
  • Effective pain reliever

The Lavender Bath Soak by Crystal Body Drip is the ultimate CBD bath product to soothe sore muscles. You need to add as much as you need and stir to make a bubble bath that smells amazing. After 20 minutes, you’ll feel how the potent combination of organic CBD, magnesium Epsom salt, and Lavender essential oil relaxes the muscle and immediately eases aches. On top of it, the soak moistures and replenish the skin. I loved that the product comes packed in a luxury velvet bag that is reusable. Plus, there’s a surprise crystal in each bag for an enhanced experience.

Jasmine Bath Soak

  • Jasmine-infused
  • 500mg topical CBD isolate
  • Mood-boosting effects

If you’re looking for an aromatherapy session at home, look no further than Crystal Body Drip Jasmine Bath Soak. Enriched with Jasmine essential oil and 500mg topical CBD isolate, this bath soak can reduce anxiety symptoms and improve your mood. After 20 minutes, you’ll feel more energetic and positive. This bag also includes a mystery crystal and comes in a reusable dust bag that will look great in your bathroom.

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