A88 CBD product review 2021

When you visit the A88CBD website, the first thing you are going to notice is that they offer a wide range of CBD products. If you take a closer look, you will notice that A88CBD is a trusted website when it comes to buying CBD products. Rewards and certificates of authenticity and quality speak volumes when it comes to this seller. You can be sure you are buying high-quality hemp products. In the sea of fake or bad CBD products, we can say that A88 is a real one.

When it comes to buying your hemp products online, you want to buy a top quality product that won’t harm your health or provoke an allergic reaction. You want to buy your product from a trusted seller online. Some research is necessary for you to find the best products on the market, and reading this review just might help you to choose the best products.

About the company

A88 is a CBD company based in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is owned by Alkaline water company, which is a publicly owned company, not a family-owned business, as many CBD companies can be. A88CBD is also one of the top certificated online CBD sellers on the market. They offer a wide range of products and services for customers and affiliates. The company is dedicated to providing quality products and fast shipping. Looking at their website it is evident that they are very transparent when it comes to their products and business model. A88CBD keeps it simple.

The company was created in partnership with Centuria Foods company to create A88 under private label and produce the top quality products for their customers. Centuria Foods is the leading hemp manufacturer in the USA. This partnership between Centura foods and an alkaline water company is a guarantee of high-quality products. Both companies have the resources and funds to create affordable, high-quality products for their customers.

Unlike many brands that can be found on the market, A88CBD offers a unique alkaline 8.8.ph water formula in all of its products. Their trade market formula is what makes them different in the best possible way and we are in for any brand that thinks differently.

We were not able to find the exact year when A88 was formed, but what we could find from researching the site is that they pride themselves on sustainability and the range of hemp products for every lifestyle and need. Everyone can find something for themselves, even for their pets since A88 offers a range of hemp products for pets.

What we found interesting is that even though they are corporations, they are very eco and pet-friendly company and that is perhaps the best thing about them. Their overall aim is to offer a range of sustainable products that will better our overall health as well as the health of our pets. And we love ourselves and our four-legged friends enough to provide them with the best possible care.


A88 offers two ways you can shop on their site. You can buy products as a customer or as a wholesaler and depending on which category you are falling into, the prices may vary.

Price range: $9.99-$199.99

  • Fragrance-free
  • Vegan
  • Cruelty-free

Extraction method: C10

Worldwide shipping: the USA only

Consumption method: Oils, Edibles.Drinks, Topicals, Vapes, CBD for pets.

Military Veteran discount: Yes

Money-back guarantee: Yes

CBD Strength:

Oils – 25-5000mg

Edibles – 10-1500mg

Drinks – 10-1500mg

Topicals- 250-300mg

Offers taste: Yes

If you choose to become a member, you have a chance to receive some fun rewards and earn loyalty points. When ordering, make sure you create your account so you can redeem all of the extra points, discounts, and rewards. Depending on your spending habits and the amount you spend on CBD products, you can earn:

$5 discount and 500 points

$10 discount and 1000 points

$25 discount and 2500 points

$40 discount and 4000 points

A88 also offers a lot of affiliate options worth checking out.

Manufacturing process

All of the CBD used in A88 products is sourced from Centuria Foods. They are global leaders in phytocannabinoid-rich hemp-derived ingredients for everyday use in nutritional, pharma, and wellness products.

All of their CBD ingredients are natural and domestically produced in the USA. They support domestic hemp producers rather than using untested and in most cases unsafe, cheap ingredients that you don’t even know where they come from. Each product comes with a Certificate of Analysis (CEA) so you can be sure that the product you are buying is top quality.

A88 makes sure to provide the best and safest products for its customers. All of the ingredients, starting from raw hemp to the final product are heavily tested in their labs and every ingredient goes through a rigorous process of lab improvement before it goes to market. Every ingredient you will find in their products is eco-friendly, sustainable, and vegan. They are safe for human and pet consumption.

And the best part? All of their products can be legally purchased in the USA. They are legal to buy, consume and use for personal use. Nature should always be legal, and A88 is all about nature and 100% all-natural ingredients.


  • Hemp Industries Association
  • National Hemp Association
  • U.S. Hemp Roundtable

Range of Products

A88 offers a wide range of eco-friendly vegan products for every taste and need. They offer affordable and high-quality products and whichever you choose to try, you won’t regret it. They offer vapes, creams, oils, and all you can ask for in your diet and wellness, these have it all and we couldn’t decide what we liked more. We tested them for you and in this review, we will bring you our impressions. You will be amazed as we were while testing this amazing product. They are on top for a reason.

Products available for you on the A88 site include:

  • CBD Oils
  • CBD Capsules
  • CBD Bath salts
  • CBD Hand and Foot cream
  • CBD Lip Balm
  • CBD Essential oil roll-on

Those are some of the products we decided to pick up and test for you. You can find a full list of products on the A88 site. We have decided to pick up some of our favorites and give you our unbiased review.


A88 offers various CBD oils for oral consumption. Every oil is vegan and eco-friendly. It is designed from top-quality hemp with C10 extraction. All of their oils are water-based and there is zero chance of negative side effects. CBD naturally contains melatonin that keeps you calm and helps your nerve system function properly. If you have a hard time falling asleep, and considering all of the rapid global changes we all do, CBD oil is a great tool to help you get quality sleep in the most natural way possible

It comes in two fun flavors:Cinnamon and Orange Cream flavors and they both taste amazing. We tried them both and we are in love. It was love on the first drop. Both flavors absorb quickly and you can feel the benefits within minutes. Make sure not to take more than prescribed doses. We were tempted because it tasted great, almost fruity. If you are into fun non-CBD flavors you are going to enjoy this one. . We barely controlled ourselves no to take more than the recommended dose. That is the only issue we see when it comes to A88 Oils, they are way too good to resist.

Ever since Covid and lockdowns invaded our world and overall safety, many people started to consume pharmaceuticals to help them sleep. What those people don’t know or are scared of is CBD oil. Just one drop is enough to calm you down and provide you with hours of quality sleep. The world has become more challenging than ever and we have more stress than our bodies can handle, which is why A88 offered 100% natural and organic oils to be your survival kit.

How to use A88 CBD Oil

Your CBD Oil finally arrived. Now what? If you never used CBD oil you may need some instructions about the dosage. All of the instructions can be found on the packaging. From what we had a chance to read, without wasting much time on it because we couldn’t wait to test the oil, instructions say you need to use 1 drop under your tongue and let it melt in your mouth. You will feel positive effects in just a couple of minutes. You will feel more relaxed and sleeping will no longer be a challenge.

You will be getting 59ml of Oil which is a pretty good deal for the price. Once you open itl, the first thing you are going to find is that it doesn’t look like classic oil at all. When you open it you will notice neon pink liquid that looks like water mixed with bright neon color. It is 100% natural, non-toxic and you can feel safe using it.

CBD Capsules

In case you are not a fan of oils, you can pick up some capsules. They are 100% natural as all the products offered by A88, which makes them a good replacement for the oil. Unlike oil, you only need 1 capsule a day, with a glass of water. You get the same benefits as from oils. Capsules are also used to prevent insomnia and to give you peace of mind when you need it the most. And we all know we need it now more than ever.

Capsules are perfect if you need something to calm you down in stressful situations you may occur while out in public. They are more discreet than oils so you won’t feel weird using them in public if you need stress relief.Normally, it would take a few hours for the capsule to absorb, but since A88 CBD capsules are water-based, which gives them quick absorption time, you can feel positive benefits within minutes. It is there for you exactly when you need it, not 5 hours after you need it. This is just what the doctor ordered and we are here for it. We are including them in our medicine cabinet.

CBD Bath Salts

We couldn’t resist but include bath salts in the mix. We love bath salts and we use them in our wellness routine. When we saw the CBD version we had to get it. It’s a sacrifice we are willing to make for the review. We tested them for you and let us tell you it was the most relaxing bath we had in a long time. We never kiss and tell but let’s just tell you that some of us whom we will not name fell asleep in the bath. They know who they are.

Using the salts is pretty much basic. All you need to do is add 3-4 tablespoons of salt into warm water. If you prefer a shower over a bath, you can rub the salt on your body and use it as pelling or as a replacement for body wash. It is a little-known fact that CBD salts can help to cure skin conditions such as allergies, acne, or any other skin condition you may have.

CBD is known to calm the body from the inside, and bath salts calm the skin from the outside due to their anti-inflammatory benefits. If you have any type of skin issues, it would be a good investment. We use it to relax after a stressful day and it works like a charm.

They are perfect for better and calmer sleep and in addition, CBD salts have a positive impact on your muscles. They can be used as muscle relaxers and as overall wellness therapy. A88 CBD bath salts are infused with eucalyptus and mint, which makes them a perfect allay for your good night’s sleep and the most relaxing experience you will ever have.

CBD Hand and Foot cream

This is something we never expected to try to be honest. We have our own favorite brands we have been loyal to for many years, but when we saw the CBD version we had to try it. And once we got our hands on those creams ( literally), our loyalty was no more. We found our new favorite beauty product. It smells amazing and it doesn’t leave any traces. It is perfect for these times of pandemics when you need to wash your hands more than usual.

Washing your hands very often can leave your skin very dry and damaged. CBD-infused creams can help you battle dry skin issues. Thanks to shea butter, your hands will be moisturized and smell nice. It contains a lot of other organic and cruelty-free oils but it is shea butter that won our hearts with this one. Your hands will feel soft like heaven without a greasy feeling no one likes.

CBD Lip Balm

Once you try this A88 CBD lip balm you will forget the other brands exist. You will wonder how you could ever live without this beauty in your life. The A88 lip balm contains coconut oil, which helps your lips feel soft and healthy. You can say bye-bye to dry lips. It is vegan, cruelty-free, and fragrance-free which means it is suitable for men and women. A88 CBD lip balm comes with 25mg of CBD that comes from 100% natural and domestic grown hemp, same as all A88 products.

While testing it, we noticed that A88 CBD lip balm feels very comfortable on our lips, even when we wear lipstick above or under it. We didn’t feel any smudging while consuming our meals and drinking. Usually, lip balm can smudge and leave a trail, especially if you combine it with lipstick but not this one. We were pleasantly surprised and decided to keep it with us at all times and use it daily. This is one of the A88 products we adore. This lip balm got a permanent home in our purses.

CBD Essential oil roll on

Last but definitely not least on our list today is essential oil roll-on. When we first received it we were a bit confused. When we opened it we saw a small tube and we don’t remember ordering anything like that. At first glance, it looked like essential oil but we know what we ordered for this review. Once we opened it we noticed it was a roll-on. It was cute so we decided to try. And my oh my, we loved it.

The best way to use it is as a remedy and stress relief. You just apply a small amount to your pulse points and breathe deeply. You will feel instant relief and it will help you go through the day stress-free. It is very small so you can carry it around with you wherever you go and we think that is amazing. Self-care is more important than ever in this day and age. It is 100% natural, which is very important if you have sensitive skin and you are prone to allergies.

Our verdict

We tested a few products from A88 and we loved all of them. They are high-quality, 100% natural products for a very affordable price point. We believe that the rest of the products they offer on the website are equally amazing. We haven’t found any product we didn’t like. We enjoyed testing all these products for you. We hope you will have fun using A88 CBD products as much as we did.

10 best CBD beauty products for 2022

Times are fast changing, and various industries that touch human health and wellness are also welcoming new ideas to capture the ever-growing market. One of these sectors is CBD or the hemp market. While hemp-derived products first started as illegal, the increased awareness has seen many people become curious about the therapeutical capabilities of various hemp formulations, including topicals, edibles, and oils. For this reason, many beauty and skincare companies have started integrating hemp extracts in their products to enhance their healing and skin-nourishing powers.

CBD has hugely taken over the beauty industry, with many brands taking advantage of its anti-inflammatory and relieving properties against serious skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis. According to some studies, only 6 to 10% of CBD gets to the bloodstream when taken orally. Therefore, to get the maximum effect of these cannabinoids, you might need to apply the product on the skin externally and allow the ingredients to get absorbed through the skin. However, since the scientific studies to back up the effectiveness of CBD and other cannabinoids against skin conditions are still at the infant stage, it is quite challenging to tell which product is the best. That means we can only rely on brands’ suggestions and available evidence when buying CBD-infused beauty products.

10 Best CBD Beauty Products

Before indulging in purchasing CBD-infused beauty products, it is vital to understand why to choose CBD products and not the well-known beauty options. You should also understand how CBD works on your skin, meaning you should know about your skin type and the best product to apply. Several studies suggest that CBD has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can also reduce the sebocytes’ activities, which lowers the creation of sebum that might cause pimples. However, the Food and Drug Administration does not guarantee the safety and effectiveness of CBD-infused beauty products. That means anyone interested in incorporating CBD in their skincare routine should evaluate every company and its safety claims before buying. Luckily, we have sampled the best brands dealing with CBD beauty products for new buyers to try.

1. JustCBD CBD Bath Bombs

Besides high-quality CBD oil and topicals, JustCBD Store also makes the best beauty products infused with essential oils and cannabinoids. The company is among the leading suppliers of CBD-derived products with the highest cannabinoid concentration and all-organic ingredients. With many years of hemp experience, the founders have managed to set quality standards concerning farming, manufacturing, and selling practices. Hence, their beauty and skincare formulas are worth investing in.

JustCBD’s line of beauty products includes bath bombs, body lotions, hemp soaps, and massage oils. Their bath bombs come in five scents, including rose, lavender, sweet cherry, eucalyptus, and citrus. They are also packed with essential oils, aromas, Epsom salts, and 150 mg of CBD. These ingredients are carefully selected to leave you relaxed and your skin rejuvenated. On the other hand, JustCBD body lotions are available in two options; lavender and aloe body lotions.

These soothing, hydrating, and skin-softening lotions are formulated to reduce inflammation incidences and leave the skin glowing. The company also offers them in 125 mg, 250, and 1000 mg of CBD strengths. Lastly, the CBD massage oils contain sunflower oil that gives them the hydrating power, cinnamon cassia extract, ginger, and capsicum that give a warming sensation.

Buy your CBD Body Lotion Lavender from JustCBD Store here.

2. Sunday Scaries CBD Bath Bombs

Sunday Scaries started as a weekend booster that targeted to help its customers start a new week energized and refreshed. With time, the founders realized they needed to expand their product line to include CBD formulas for the whole week. These products contain essential oils, cannabinoids, and vitamins that leave the user feeling fresh and ready to tackle any task. Along with other high-quality CBD products, Sunday Scaries also deals with the production of CBD-infused cosmetic and skincare products using raw hemp materials sourced from KND Labs in Denver, Colorado.

Sunday Scaries’ Tub Cub CBD bath bombs are unique skincare products that allow users to decompress, relax, and enjoy some lonely time after a long tiresome day. The company makes these bombs using 100 mg CBD isolate oil and other premium essential oils such as orange, lavender, and lemon. The orange oil relieves any discomfort, lavender oil relaxes the tired muscles, while the lemon oil uplifts the mood. When combined, the synergic interaction of these ingredients leads to ultimate body calming and skin health.

Buy 100 mg Tub Cub CBD Bath Bomb from Sunday Scaries here and enjoy same-day shipping.

3. Royal and Pure CBD Beauty Products

Royal and Pure also strives to provide the highest quality CBD products on the market. The company uses Colorado-grown organic hemp to make its products and ensures its CBD oil contains less than 0.3% of THC. All their products are also third-party tested for purity and potency, which ensures buyers get the same amount of CBD and other cannabinoids listed on the products. With this manufacturing and selling approach, the company has managed to garner a huge market following due to its highly effective products, and their CBD-infused skincare options are not excluded.

Royal and Pure CBD beauty products include salves and bath bombs. All the options include full-spectrum hemp extract and other essential ingredients that promote skin hydration and health. For instance, the 750 Royal and Pure full-spectrum CBD salve contain eucalyptus and mint aroma, infused with CBD oil that gives a soothing feeling to the skin. The ingredients also increase the CBD’s therapeutic properties, leaving the skin glowing. Whereas, CBD bath bombs are available in various strengths, ranging from 35 mg to 200 mg of CBD. They contain essential ingredients such as Epsom salt, yang-yang essential oils, and coconut oil that leave the skin rejuvenated, hydrated, and sweetly perfumed.

Buy 35 mg CBD Bath Bomb from Royal and Pure and enjoy an enhanced natural romance after a luxury bathing moment.

4. Pure Hemp Botanicals CBD Beauty Products

Pure Hemp Botanicals came to existence in 2015 and has remained committed to its purpose of providing high-quality CBD products to the hemp community. The company uses 100% vegan, plant-based, and cruelty-free raw materials in its operations. It also carries out its farming, extraction, and manufacturing practices while protecting both human life and mother nature. Moreover, the company strives to increase CBD awareness among the community and set the market standards by encouraging other brands to use environmentally friendly practices.

Pure Hemp’s line of beauty products includes CBD body lotions and lip balms. Their body lotion comes with 400 mg of pure CBD mixed with other skin nourishing and replenishing ingredients such as aloe leaf juice, rosemary leaf oil, Vitamin E, and white willow bark extract. These ingredients leave the skin smooth, shiny, and healthy, especially after staying exposed to environmental dangers the whole day. On the other hand, the Pure Hemp lip balms are available in three flavors; natural, peppermint, and berry. The company also mixes 100 mg of hemp extract with avocado butter, hemp seed oil, and candelilla wax. This combination leaves the lips hydrated and provides the needed protection against cracks and dryness.

Buy 400 mg CBD Body Lotion or 100 mg Hemp Extract Lip Balm from Pure Hemp Botanicals here.

5. Beusail CBD Beauty Products

Beusail is a family-owned company that focuses on producing CBD-infused products for skincare and beauty. The brand is committed to helping customers access vegan, cruelty-free, and skin-friendly CBD products. It also believes in zero waste, sustainable manufacturing practices, and giving back to the community. Besides, Beusail encourages the hemp community to shun companies that introduce plastic wastes to the water bodies, and use animal testing in their CBD products manufacturing.

Beusail categorizes its CBD-infused beauty products into skincare, haircare, and overall wellness. The skincare category consists of eye serums, face oils, moisturizing creams, facial scrubs, anti-aging creams, body and hand care, and many more. These products are carefully produced and tested to ensure they have the most-needed ingredients for skin health and nourishment. The haircare line consists of rehabilitation shampoos, conditioners, and hair turbans. These haircare products have essential oils and ingredients that cleanse, exfoliate, and detox the hair and scalp, leaving them healthy and repaired.

Buy the B MERACLUS Restoring CBD Face Oil from Beusail here.

6. Evolution CBD Beauty Products

Evolution CBD is not only known for its water-soluble CBD oils but also for high-quality topicals that target enhancing beauty and nourishing the skin. The company has greatly set standards in the CBD space by offering the best CBD topicals free from heavy metals and harsh chemicals. For instance, Evolution CBD uses non-GMO hemp oil with the highest CBD concentration and lowest THC (below 0.3%). The farming and manufacturing processes are also within the set quality standards, which guarantee nothing short of safe and skin-friendly topicals.

Evolution CBD beauty options include creams, lotions, bath bombs, and serums. You can get CBD hydrating lotions that come with skin revitalization and non-greasy ingredients. You can also choose from 250 mg or 500 mg topical creams if you want to relieve pain while leaving the skin fresh and replenished. Alternatively, you can buy CBD serums that come in two main categories: under-eye and topical serums. The under-eye serums remove wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes, while topical serums reduce pain and leave the skin smooth and glowing. All these beauty-enhancing topicals have vital ingredients that leave the skin fresh and younger.

Buy Hydrating Body Lotion from Evolution CBD here.

7. Palm Organix CBD Body Lotion

Besides producing CBD topical products for pain management, Palm Organix also offers the best skincare and beauty-enhancing CBD-infused products. The company uses broad-spectrum CBD oil extracted from US-grown hemp to formulate its products. It also mixes the oil with vegan, gluten-free, and cruelty-free ingredients to ensure its topical formulations are suitable for all skin types. Moreover, all products undergo strict third-party laboratory testing to ensure they have the right CBD concentration and are free from harsh chemicals.

Besides CBD creams and salves for pain, Palm Organix also offers various CBD-infused cosmetic products such as face masks and body lotions. The cellulose face masks have 100 mg of CBD and other skin hydrating ingredients such as glycerin, Rosmarinus officinalis extract, quillaja Saponaria bark extract, and camellia sinesis leaf extract. These face masks provide the home spa experience and leave the face skin feeling smooth. CBD body lotions, on the other hand, contain highly concentrated 500 mg CBD infused with natural camphor. The lotion can relieve pain, just like CBD creams, and leave a non-greasy, fresh smell on the skin.

Buy CBD Body Lotion with Camphor from Palm Organix here and enjoy a soothing feeling with long-lasting smoothness.

8. Glee CBD Moisturizing Body Lotion

Glee’s founders started with the sole purpose of promoting human health and wellness by using all-natural ingredients and eliminating the need for over-the-counter supplements. The company also supports local hemp farmers in Wisconsin by sourcing its raw hemp from them and carrying out its manufacturing processes in an FDA-approved facility. All its products undergo rigorous third-party testing for purity and potency. This also guarantees that buyers can enjoy a full spectrum of product composition without worrying about harmful ingredients. The company also formulates its topical line expertly, ensuring no paraben, phthalates, or gluten are detected.

Glee’s CBD moisturizing lotion contains 250 mg of full-spectrum CBD that feeds the skin its anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidant properties. The oil also has Vitamins A, D, and E, and fatty acids needed for skin nourishment. Moreover, the lotion is infused with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) that exfoliate the skin and leave it looking smoother and younger. The coconut oil, organic shea butter, and organic aloe moisturize the skin and give it an emollient-rich experience. You can get the lotion in two sizes; 500 mg (2 oz) and 1000 mg CBD (4 oz). The company recommends applying the lotion every morning or evening after cleansing the face and neck.

Buy CBD Moisturizing Lotion from Glee here.

9. Joy Organics CBD Beauty Products

Joy Organics is among the top manufacturers of premium CBD topicals that focus on soothing and rejuvenating the skin, and reducing other skin issues such as chronic acne and pain. The company uses all-organic and USDA-certified hemp to formulate its beauty products. The products also contain the highest CBD concentration and phytonutrients that make them ideal for whole-body benefits. Those buying from the company can attest to its excellent customer services and timely delivery.

If you want to benefit from Joy Organics’ beauty products, you can choose from CBD jarred salves and sticks, sweet-smelling bath bombs, cooling sports, unscented creams, and massage oils. Organic CBD salves contain organic Cera alba (beeswax), organic hemp extract, lavender, and organic eucalyptus globulus leaf oil. These ingredients nourish dry and cracked skin and revitalize muscles and joints. You can choose between 500 mg or 1000 mg jars. Those looking to enjoy a relaxed moment after work can buy organic massage oils that come with USDA-certified hemp oil combined with olive oil for whole-body therapy. The oil comes with a strength of 500 mg of CBD and leaves the skin smooth, fresh, and shiny.

Buy Organic CBD Massage Oil from Joy Organics here.

10. Just Beauty CBD Beauty Products

Just Beauty CBD partnered with JustCBD to revolutionize the hemp space and bring the best and high-quality CBD products. The founders, a Latino wife, and husband who had a vast experience in wines and spirits decided to change the CBD perspective and offer fresh products to enhance human beauty and wellness. The company uses premium all-natural, vegan and cruelty-free, lab-tested, and environmental-friendly ingredients to formulate its cosmetic products. These ingredients lead to rejuvenated, hydrated, and sustainable skin.

Just Beauty CBD’s line of cosmetic products includes body lotion butter, face and neck night oil, eye serum, and lip balms. The ultra-hydrating body love butter has 500 mg of full-spectrum USDA-certified CBD mixed with other vital ingredients such as shea butter, sweet almond, and mango butter. It is suitable for all skin types and leaves the skin feeling soft and nourished. The CBD lip balm has 50 mg of full-spectrum CBD infused with castor seed oil, MCT oil, and jojoba seed oil. It is ideal for dry lips and provides the needed protection against lip cracking. Therefore, whether you want the best product for dry skin, aching neck, or cracking lips, Just Beauty CBD has you covered.

Buy 50 mg CBD Lip Balm from Just Beauty CBD here and enjoy deep long-lasting hydration.

How to Choose the Best CBD Beauty Product

Choosing the best CBD-infused cosmetic product is never a walk in the park. While some people may look at the price when buying a beauty product for the first time, the truth is that getting the right skincare product is not about money but quality. Hence, as a first-timer, you might need to consider the following factors:

Hemp Source and CBD Type

Most CBD experts recommend buying from brands that use US-based hemp and not those that source their hemp externally. That is because most hemp farms within the US, including Colorado, Kentucky, Oregon, and Montana, adhere to FDA-approved farming practices; hence, giving 100% natural and phytocannabinoids- rich hemp. While at that, you should also check the type of CBD oil used, whether it is full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate oil. If you want full-spectrum CBD oil, ensure it has less than 0.3% of THC.


Always go for all-natural, vegan, gluten-free, and cruelty-free ingredients. Avoid those brands that do not list the ingredients they infuse in their beauty products. Also, if you have sensitive skin, avoid those ingredients that may irritate you. Fortunately, all the companies listed above use organic and US-grown ingredients in their product formulation.

Third-Party Lab Reports

Although FDA does not guarantee the safety of CBD beauty products, it still warns against those companies that lack backup on their health claims. That means all CBD companies are required to allow independent laboratories to test their products and give unbiased reports before they release the products to the market. Therefore, when buying, always check for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for all product batches to determine their purity and potency.

The Bottom Line

CBD and other hemp extracts are slowly penetrating the beauty and skincare sectors. That is after some studies suggesting that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce and prevent skin conditions such as acne and eczema. However, there is still little evidence to support these claims in humans. Hence, anyone planning to include CBD in their skincare and beauty routine should consult their dermatologist first to understand their skin composition and the best products to use.

7 points natural product review 2021

7 points natural isn’t just a product, it’s a mission. Their mission was to create 100% organic products the world needs and wants. They offer only the best from mother nature. According to the WHO report, in the year 2021, stress and anxiety will become the leading cause of dassies worldwide.

This is why 7 Points Natural made sure to offer the solution. All of their loops of hemp are homegrown in the fields of Kentucky, 7 Point Natural product line is very low in THC, which makes their products legal in all 50 states. In addition to providing the best CBD products on the market, the brand strives to educate its customers about the natural healing and healing properties of using CBD products.

Their mission is to provide valuable information and proper education so that customers can avoid the chemicals and pharmaceutical products that can be potentially harmful to their health and well-being.

Line of products

7 Points Naturals provides its customers with only the purest hemp products on the market. They have a wide selection of very affordable products. Product line available for you on 7 Points Natural site includes:

  • Isolate CBD Oil
  • CBD Terp Sauce
  • CBD Pain Gel
  • CBD Gummies
  • CBD Vapes
  • CBD Full spectrum product line

Those are just some of the amazing products available to you on their companies website. All of their products are made for everyday use and for every person. The brand prompts health, active lifestyle, and outdoor activities. They are all about health and wealth in every sense of the word.

About the company

7 Points Natural is a brand that has existed since 2016. Even though they are still relatively new on the market, they made quite an impact. To make sure their customers only get the best products, they source all of their hemp from GenCana farms. There is something else that separates 7 Point Naturals from the other CBD brands is the fact that, even though other brands use hemp leaf, 7 point naturals use only hemp flowers for their products.

As the company website states, the owner of 7 point natural himself felt the damaging consequences of using prescription medications and addiction issues so he decided to create natural products to promote natural healing and healthy living.

As if that is not enough, 7points natural are also socially active. You can join their Strava club if you are using that app. You simply register and you can receive special discounts at 7 points natural webshop. If you run, cycle or do any outdoor activity, you are welcome to join their active lifestyle mission.


When you go to 7 points natural website, you will notice it is very easy to find every product you might need. The page is very light and mobile-friendly. We tried to open it on our cell phone, tablet, and laptop and it worked fine on all devices. It is extremely comfortable for the eyes as well, in case you are sensitive to some colors or light.

Price range – $30-$150

Extraction method – CO2

Worldwide shipping – the USA only

Veteran discount – Yes

Disability discount – Yes

Consumption method: Drops, Creams, Gummies, Capsules, Edibles

CBD Strength – 300mg-3000mg

Offers Flavors – Yes

Offers THC Free products – No

Manufacturing process

Their manufacturing process starts with a hemp flower. While other brands use stalks and steam, 7 points natural took another direction. They use all American hemp flowers to produce the best CBD products. It is a known fact that you only get the purest CBD from the hemp flower. All of their products go through third-party lab testing to ensure they provide their customers only with the best products on the market.

7 points natural uses CO2 extraction method that is safe and widely used in CBD practice. The brand is highly selective when it comes to selecting a farm they use for their production. It only proves that they care about their customers enough to produce only the best at very affordable prices. You can buy their products for as low as $30.

All the third-party lab results are available for you on their site. Before purchasing any of the products, you can check the results and all the additional information you may need before you decide to purchase.

Referral program

7 points natural offers an amazing referral program for their loyal customers. It is one of the best referral programs I have seen so far. If you decide to become a part of 7 points, natural family, you will receive a $20 discount for every person who buys the product using your referral link

To ensure you gain the maximum profit from your referral link, it is highly recommended you share your link not only with your family and friends but also on your social media. It is advised you share it as a link in a Bio so that anyone who visits your social media profile can easily find your referral link. To receive your referral link all you need to do is:

  • Go to your 7 Points Natural account
  • Register as affiliate
  • Enter your email
  • Receive a special referral code
  • Share

Affiliate program

7 points natural is always on a search for bloggers, influencers, affiliates, and brand ambassadors who can spread the good word about the brand. If you are one of those things and you wish to advertise the brand on your social media, blogs, youtube channels, TikTok, and more you can fill out the affiliate form offered on their site and become a part of their brand. As an affiliate, you will receive special discount options and monthly affiliate rewards.

Range of products

The brand doesn’t offer the largest product selection on the market, but we believe that reason behind it is that they are extremely picky about the hemp they are working with and they don’t want to saturate the market with way too many products. Their product line consists only of the best and most used products.

The product line consists of

  • Isolate CBD drops
  • CBD Terp Sauce – 850mg
  • CBD Gummies -300mg
  • CBD Relief roll-on – 400mg
  • CBD Topical Salve – 200mg
  • CBD Moisturizer – 500mg
  • Full spectrum CBD drops
  • CBD Vape cartridge – 400mg

This is the full line of products available on their website. Of course, we haven’t ordered all of it, so we had to choose some of the products we wish to test for you. In the end, we chose to go for

CBD Gummies – 300mg

CBD Moisturizer

Isolate CBD drops

CBD Relief roll-on

CBD Gummies 300mg

The first product we decided to put on tests was CBD Gummies. It was not a hard decision to make because we loved the packaging and we instantly fell in love with bear-shaped gummies. It reminded us of gummy bears we used to love as children so it is natural we grabbed them first. The taste was out of this world. Nice, fruity and if you didn’t know better, you wouldn’t even notice it is CBD you are taking.

After only 1 gummy, you will feel a sense of calm. It is recommended that you take 1-3 gummies a day. Even though it is low on THC there are still rules that apply when consuming the gummies to make sure you are using this product with maximum safety for your body. Taking too much would make you feel lethargic and you would fall asleep very quickly.

For only $29,99 you will get 30 gummies, with 10mg of CBD per gummy. The main ingredients of gummies include:

  • 98% cannabinoid extract
  • Corn syrup
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Gelatine
  • Citric acid
  • Natural colors
  • Artificial colors – Yellow #6, Yellow #5, Blue #1, Red #40

It is important to note that gummies contain these artificial colors in case you are allergic to some of the irradiance. 7 points natural is very transparent when it comes to their products and you should have no issues with any of their products. 7 points natural gummies have many benefits that include:

  • Support for good quality sleep
  • Supports calm
  • Aids with anxiety

Our verdict

We highly recommend these gummies. They taste amazing and you can carry them around with you anywhere you go. We enjoyed the red gummies the most, but we are sure you are going to find your holy grails.

CBD Moisturizer – 500mg

The next product we decided to test was CBD moisturizer. This is something we needed since washing our hands more than usual made our skin dry. You can get this beauty for only $49.99. You will receive 2oz of product for this price. We tried it and we can say it is worth every penny. It is filled with CBD and cocoa butter, which makes it the perfect skin protection agent in your daily routine.

We especially loved the lavender smell. Your skin will be smooth and will smell perfect. It comes in a glass container so it looks and smells luxurious.It contains a lot of natural oils such as:

  • Shea Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Kukui Nut Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil

It doesn’t only smells and feels nice, it also has some benefits such as:

  • Prevents dryness and cracking
  • Reduces swelling and redness
  • Protects skin from outside damage

Our verdict

This moisturizer is 10/10 in our book. After only 1 drop, our skin smelled and looked very nice and soft. You only need 1-2 drops so this product is going to last you for a very long time. For us, it is worth every penny. We would pay double if we had to for a product of such high quality like this one.

Isolate CBD drops -500 mg

For this review, we have chosen to order a 500mg version. They offer a few options on their site so you can buy CBD drops with different strategists such as:

  • 500mg
  • 1000mg
  • 1500mg
  • 30000mg

Price varies depending on the version you choose to buy. We got ours for $50. We used the prescribed dosage, 1ml with our meal to test it. Only after a couple of minutes, we felt a sense of calm and relaxation. We haven’t noticed any change of taste so it is natural to assume that it is safe to use with any food or drink. It helps with:

  • Promoting the sense of calm
  • Recovery after workout
  • Supports stress-free day

Our Verdict

These drops have so many benefits. While searching their site before ordering, we noticed so many positive reviews from the customers and it was the reason we couldn’t resist trying. All we can say is that the reviews were right, it is a gift from nature. We highly recommend this product. Once again 10/10

CBD Relief roll-on .400mg

Last but not the least, we have decided to try CBD roll-on. This roll-on is a perfect help for injuries and painful muscles. We got it for $39.99. We tested it to find out if it was worth the money. We applied it to the painful area and the first thing that happened was a cooling and soothing effect we felt after which we felt an immediate sense of calm. The main ingredients include:

  • Menthol USP 3,7%
  • Aloe Vera extract
  • Tea tree oil
  • Vitamin E

It is infused with a high concentration of CBD derived with a CO2 extraction method that helps to avoid all the extra chemicals from the plant. For the maximum benefit, rub it on painful areas or on your joints before the workout to speed up the recovery.

Our verdict

Perhaps you believe you would never pay almost $40 for a roll-on but this one is worth every penny. We used it on painful areas and it was a lifesaver. This is one of the products we will purchase again and once again 10/10 from us.s

4 corners cannabis review 2022

Generally, we liked our review for 4 Corners Cannabis. It involved surfing through the brand’s website, ordering items from it, reaching out to the customer care department, and analyzing the ordered products. 4 Corners Cannabis has a well-designed website that supports people with a wide range of disabilities, including those whose cognitive abilities have declined, the visually impaired, and other common disabilities. While the website does not have an About Us section, it does have an elaborate FAQ section that details dosage information for every product in the company inventory and answers common CBD-related questions. Moreover, the CBD product inventory for 4 Corners Cannabis is fairly decent, and includes full-spectrum tinctures, topicals, edibles, and pet items. Moreover, there a THC-free line with products CBD lovers who don’t want a taste of THC can have. We also appreciated the several avenues available for communication, including an instant messaging feature, email address, and a phone number. Still, one can access the brand’s office via the physical location address given.

About the Company

4 Corners Cannabis was launched in 2013, and has close to a decade-old experience in the CBD arena. It was started by Brian and Justin Jasiewicz, two brothers formerly involved in cannabis growing. Seeing the incredible therapeutic potential of CBD, they felt inspired to produce high-quality CBD products to help people benefit from the power of CBD, and that’s how the brand was born. It offers, complete- and broad-spectrum CBD items, including tinctures, pet items, topicals, and edibles. The brand’s average price point ranges from $0.02 to $0.07 per mg CBD, which is well within the market range.


The following specs define for 4 Corners Cannabis CBD company;

  • The brand deals in complete-spectrum products
  • A THC-free line available
  • Extraction consumption methods include topicals, tinctures, edibles, and pet items
  • Extraction method utilizes food-grade ethanol
  • Organic, non-GMO hemp
  • Allergy-friendly products
  • Veteran discounts
  • A 30-day money-back guarantee applies
  • Free shipping available for products worth $100 and above
  • Shipping is domestic
  • 3rd party testing for THC and CBD
  • Partial contaminant testing
  • The total CBD concentration ranges from 40 mg to 14000 mg
  • Items cost $2.99- $399.99
  • The average price point ranges between $0.02- $0.07 per mg CBD
  • Edible products guarantee taste

Hemp Quality

The quality of hemp used to manufacture CBD products determine the final outcome, ultimately influencing customer response. As such, reputable brands focus on using high-quality hemp to manufacture their CBD items, and 4 Corners Cannabis is no exception. It sources its organic non-GMO hemp from the organically and sustainably grown Colorado farms. In such farms, pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals are not used, and the brand entirely relies on organic manure and farm techniques. The brand then uses food-grade ethanol extraction to strip off CBD from the hemp surface.

Buying Experience

We loved our buying experience at 4 Corners Cannabis. The brand has a well-designed website that supports people with a wide range of disabilities, including the visually impaired and those with declining cognitive abilities. The Shop button of the website has various categories for the products in the brand’s inventory, and include tinctures, pet items, topicals, and edibles. Moreover, there are bundled deals an individual can take advantage of and save a few bucks.

After shopping, you need to check out, and the site allows you to fill in your billing details and physical location address for order’s shipping. The brand offers a 10% off for new buyers, and one submits his email address and has the coupon code sent for him to unlock the discounts. For orders worth $100 and above, 4 Corners Cannabis offers free shipping while any orders below $100 are shipped for $7.75, regardless of the destination. There is only one shipping option, USPS.


The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the production of CBD products as it does drugs. As such, CBD laws require CBD brands to conduct third-party tests to examine products for THC and CBD potencies, and accuracy. We are happy to say 4 Corners Cannabis does fairly well in this regard, and conducts CBD and THC potency tests. Moreover, it partially tests for contaminant purity since some items had contaminant test results included in their certificate of analysis (CoA), while others did not have that information.


As far as accuracy is concerned, 4 Corners Cannabis needs to improve since it does not conduct purity tests for all items and its THC/CBD results are not entirely accurate. For instance, the 1000 mg Earthy Avocado tincture had 1028.14 mg CBD, as opposed to the 1000 mg indicated on the labels. This translated to a 3% CBD variance, which is well within the 10% acceptable variance limit. Nonetheless, the total THC content was 1%, which is more than thrice the 0.3% allowable limit.

Manufacturing Process

4 Corners Cannabis calls itself the ‘soil-to-oil’ or ‘farm-to-bottle’ brand since it conducts all the processes involved in producing their complete-spectrum CBD, including hemp breeding, growing, harvesting, and preparation, processing, and CBD oil manufacture. It sources its hemp from the Colorado farms where organic and sustainable farm techniques are applied to produce high-quality hemp. The brand claims that having full control over all processes saves costs, helping stay sustainable in the CBD arena, and also ensures accountability of every single ingredient used in the products.

The organic and non-GMO hemp grows to maturation in the Colorado farms, after which the plants are harvested and left to dry as part of preparing the high-quality hemp for processing. Once ready, the hemp is taken to the manufacturing facilities where ethanol-grade extraction method is employed to strip CBD oil from the hemp surfaces. The final products are in complete-spectrum CBD, although it also boasts THC-free products for CBD enthusiasts who do not like THC for its psychoactive properties. 4 Corners Cannabis uses additional ingredients, all organic and 100% natural, to improve CBD product quality. For instance, its oils are formulated with glycerin, MCT oil, hemp seed, or avocado oils for increased bioavailability.

The next stage is 3rd party testing which is a quality and control strategy CBD recommends for brands to ensure the products are pure and that their products deliver the labeled cannabinoids. 4 Corners Cannabis adheres to these regulations, and tests its items for CBD and THC potencies, thereafter posting the results online. Moreover, the certificates of analysis on the brand’s website indicate the brand conducts partial contaminant testing, whereby select products are tested for standard contaminants, including microbials, mycotoxins, solvents, and residues.

Range of Products

Although 4 Corners Cannabis is among the oldest CBD brands in the market, its product lines are not as extensive. Here are the CBD items in the brand’s inventory that you can also order from the 4 Corners Cannabis website;

4 Corners Cannabis CBD tinctures

The brand offers CBD tinctures incomplete- and full-spectrum formulations, and also provides a THC-free version. They are either in in 15 ml (250 or 500 mg CBD) or 30 ml (1000 or 2000 mg CBD) bottles. They are all ethanol-extracted and feature 100% natural ingredients, including MCT, avocado, or hemp seed oils.

4 Corners Cannabis CBD Topicals

4 Corners’ topical line includes complete-spectrum and THC-free CBD salve balms, salve sticks, massage oils, and lotions. The total CBD concentrations in the products range from 40 mg to 1000 mg. Besides, they feature additional ingredients, including jojoba oil and MCT bases.

4 Corners Cannabis Pet Items

Do you have a furry friend? You can boost his health using 4 Corners Cannabis CBD pet items. The brand offers complete-spectrum CBD tinctures that according to the website, helps the animals manage stress and boost their overall well-being. Moreover, there is a THC-free version of the tincture but all the tinctures feature MCT oil for increased availability. They come in various sizes, including 10, 15, 30, 120, and 240 ml, and the total CBD concentrations range from 250 mg to 14,000 mg.

What We Like About the Company

While reviewing 4 Corners Cannabis, we identified many likable things about this brand. As such, we appreciated the following;

  • 4 Corners Cannabis conducts 3rd party testing for its CBD products to examine products’ THC and CBD potencies
  • The CoA are available online for easy viewership by web visitors
  • 4 Corners Cannabis uses organic, non-GMO hemp to manufacture its CBD products
  • The brand’s website is simple, allowing easy surfing and offers a great shopping experience
  • There are various methods of consulting the company’s customer care desk, and once can use the instant messaging feature, a phone number, physical local and email addresses
  • The brand’s edible products guarantee taste and their average price point is well within the market range
  • 4 Corners Cannabis has a money-back guarantee through which it assures dissatisfied clients full refunds when their claims are approved
  • The brand also offers free shipping for orders worth $100 and above, which is a good support mechanism
  • 4 Corners Cannabis has bundled deals and a 10% off for all clients and first-time buyers, respectively, helping them save a few bucks when they buy products from them
  • The website’s FAQ section addresses dosage information for the brand’s products and addresses common concerns related to CBD and the associated topics
  • The brand boasts CBD research, thereby producing high-quality products

What We Do Not Like About the Company

Although there is so much to be admired about 4 Corners Cannabis, the brand still has room for improvement. Here are some of the kinks we identified about the brand;

  • The $100 threshold for free shipping is some ow high and not all clients can attain it
  • The brand does not offer CBD isolates for enthusiasts who would not like other cannabinoids than CBD
  • Although 4 Corners Cannabis boasts years of experience in the CBD arena, it has a narrow product
  • The brand’s website lacks an About Us section
  • The ethanol extraction used to strip CBD from hemp surfaces may leave solvent traces in the final products
  • It does not offer capsules

Our Verdict

Our review for 4 Corners Cannabis was good. The brand deals in a decent inventory with complete-spectrum and THC-free CBD products, including topicals, tinctures, edibles, and pet items. 4 Corners Cannabis’ strongholds include the 30-day money-back guarantee, $100 free shipping threshold, expansive CBD research, and THC/CBD potency tests. However, it does not test all items for contaminants, exclusively offers domestic shipping, lacks an About Us section on the website, and the $100 threshold for free shipping is a bit high and non-attainable by all clients. As such, improving in these areas will help the brand realize better milestones.

Five things to consider before you order CBD oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the natural chemicals found in the marijuana or cannabis sativa plant. Another compound found in this plant is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The difference is that THC can make you feel high, but CBD is psychoactive, meaning that it cannot make you feel high.

Although a few nations legalize CBD, many benefits are associated with its use. For example, it can help relieve pain, prevent insomnia, minimize anxiety, alleviate cancer treatment symptoms, and much more, which will be discussed below. But to enjoy the benefits, ensure you purchase the right and high-quality CBD. There are three major types of CBD: Full-spectrum CBD, Isolate, and Broad-spectrum CBD. This article discusses important things that the user must consider when purchasing CBD.

Factors to Consider when Buying CBD

Source of the CBD Product

The source of the CBD or where it is grown is a factor to consider when buying a CBD product. It is an important factor because the origin can determine how pure the end product is. As the cannabis plant is growing, the geographical surrounding affects its quality. For example, if the plant is grown in rich soil, it absorbs nutrients, thus making it a high-quality product.

The Manufacturer

Another consideration is understanding the manufacturer. It is critical because the manufacturer can affect the quality of the final product. Ensure that you are purchasing the CBD from a reputable CBD manufacturer. You can learn more about the manufacturer by reading online reviews. These involve visiting the manufacturer’s website and reading the customer’s opinions. It means that you need to buy from the manufacturer with positive reviews. Such a manufacturer is likely to produce high-quality products.

Purpose of the CBD

Your CBD use is a major factor when buying CBD. It is important because various CBD products deal with different health complications. For example, some types of CBD prevent insomnia while others deal with anxiety or cancer. The effects of different CBD types can vary from one person to another. Talk to your doctor to ensure that you purchase the right CBD in such cases.

Method of Extraction

Apart from confirming the manufacturer’s reputation, you should also consider the various methods used in the extraction process. It is important because the process can determine the purity of the final product. For instance, people believe that carbon dioxide in the extraction process produces pure CBD products. You can also consider the CBD product extracted through the carbon dioxide method.

Consider the Level of THC

THC is one of the major components of the cannabis sativa plant. It is the compound that brings about the psychoactive effects of CBD. If you don’t want to feel the highness effect, buy CBD with a low level of THC. It is important, especially if you participate or work in activities that require you to be laser-focused and sober.


Price is another important factor when buying CBD products. You should be careful because price does not always reflect the product’s quality. You may spend a lot of money buying substandard goods. High prices don’t promise high-quality CBD products. Low prices don’t indicate good deals.

Benefits of Using CBD Oil

Anxiety Relief

According to Skelley et al. (2020), CBD oil can help you manage anxiety. It can change how the brain receptors respond to serotonin, a chemical linked to mental health. The receptors are tiny proteins attached to the cells that receive chemical messages and help the body cells respond to different stimuli.

Sarris et al. (2020) found that a 600 mg dose of CBD assisted people with social anxiety give a speech, while Blessing et al. (2015) showed that CBD could help relieve anxiety by decreasing the physiological effects of anxiety-like increased heart rate, reducing stress, inducing sleep in case of insomnia, and improving symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.


According to Arzimanoglou et al. (2020), CBD has been advertised as a possible treatment for epilepsy. Research is still in its early stages, and researchers are testing the amount of CBD that can reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy and its safety. The American Society states stated that cannabidiol offers hope for seizure disorders.

Neuroprotective Agent

Fernández‐Ruiz et al. (2013) looked at a receptor located in the brain to learn how CBD can help people with neurodegenerative disorders, diseases that cause the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time. This receptor is called CB1. CBD oil can also reduce the inflammation that can make neurodegenerative symptoms worsen. More research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD oil on treating neurodegenerative diseases.

Pain Relief

Iversen (2003) noted that brain receptors could also help manage pain. Research has shown that cannabis can provide some benefits when taken after chemotherapy treatments. Some other pre-clinical studies sponsored by the national institutes of health are looking at the role of cannabis in treating some symptoms caused by chronic pain, arthritis, menstrual pain, muscle pain, and spinal cord injuries.


The effects of CBD on receptors in the immune system can help reduce overall inflammation in the body. Chelliah et al. (2018) suggested that CBD oil could benefit acne management. A human study published in the clinical journal investigation found that the prevented activity in the sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, a natural oily substance that hydrates the skin. However, too much sebum can lead to acne.


Recently, CBD has gained a lot of popularity. It is because most people have come to a better understanding of its many health benefits. But, if you want to benefit from CBD, ensure that you buy the right product. As discussed earlier, you can purchase the best CBD product by clearly understanding why you are purchasing it.


Arzimanoglou, A., Brandl, U., Cross, J. H., Gil‐Nagel, A., Lagae, L., Landmark, C. J., … & Other Members Of The Cannabinoids International Experts Panel. (2020). Epilepsy And Cannabidiol: A Guide To Treatment. Epileptic Disorders, 22(1), 1-14.

Blessing, E. M., Steenkamp, M. M., Manzanares, J., & Marmar, C. R. (2015). Cannabidiol As A Potential Treatment For Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 12(4), 825-836.

Chelliah, M. P., Zinn, Z., Khuu, P., & Teng, J. M. (2018). Self‐Initiated Use Of Topical Cannabidiol Oil For Epidermolysis Bullosa. Pediatric Dermatology, 35(4), E224-E227.

Fernández‐Ruiz, J., Sagredo, O., Pazos, M. R., García, C., Pertwee, R., Mechoulam, R., & Martínez‐Orgado, J. (2013). Cannabidiol For Neurodegenerative Disorders: Important New Clinical Applications For This Phytocannabinoid?. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 75(2), 323-333.

Iversen, L. (2003). Cannabis And The Brain. Brain, 126(6), 1252-1270.

Sarris, J., Sinclair, J., Karamacoska, D., Davidson, M., & Firth, J. (2020). Medicinal Cannabis For Psychiatric Disorders: A Clinically-Focused Systematic Review. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 1-14.

Skelley, J. W., Deas, C. M., Curren, Z., & Ennis, J. (2020). Use Of Cannabidiol In Anxiety & Anxiety-Related Disorders. Journal Of The American Pharmacists Association, 60(1), 253-261.

Exploring CBD is there CBD oil for anxiety?

Anxiety can result in prolonged mental sickness. Most consumers praise the compound for its therapeutic potential. For this reason, many anxiety victims inquire whether the condition can be alleviated. Let us find out.

Anxiety can result in prolonged mental sickness. The latest pharmacotherapies for such situations are associated with adverse effects and low efficacy. Cannabidiol (CBD) exists naturally in cannabis plants. It is among the major constituents containing therapeutic properties. CBD is safe, has insignificant adverse effects, is well tolerated, and illustrates no human dependence or abuse potential. Cannabidiol companies have different products in the marketplace. CBD generates positive health effects by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Consumers with anxiety wonder whether CBD oil can soothe the condition. This article will investigate if this product is helpful in anxiety.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is derived from hemp or marijuana plants through different methods, including carbon dioxide and alcohol. It does not cause psychoactive effects on consumers, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp and cannabis sativa (marijuana) are major cannabis variants cannabis. Hemp contains high cannabidiol contents and low THC levels. However, marijuana has low CBD contents and high THC levels. This difference made some States illegalize CBD-related products. In 2018, the Farm Bill legalized farming, manufacturing, and consumption of industrial hemp-related products. However, the federal law stipulated that all CBD products should contain 0.3 percent or below THC legal threshold. Modern professionalism and technology discovered the CBD’s potential benefits. Consumers today report positive impacts of CBD products in certain health conditions. This has skyrocketed CBD popularity and demand, causing many brands to emerge. Cannabidiol comes in various extracts, including full-spectrum, isolates, and broad-spectrum. The full spectrum contains cannabis compounds such as cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG), terpenes, flavonoids, THC, and fatty acids. This extract is excellent for consumers who want these compounds without THC concerns.

Additionally, these substances work synergistically to generate an entourage effect. This implies that consumers enjoy more benefits than those taking isolates. The broad spectrum contains these compounds but eliminates the THC molecule. Mostly, consumers who prefer this extract are those intending to partake in other cannabis compounds except THC. Isolates are the purest cannabidiol formulation. It constitutes CBD exclusively. Chye et al. (2019) reported that CBD interacts with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system contains CB1 and CB2 receptors that interact with CBD oil’s phytocannabinoids. The section below will elaborate more on CBD functioning.

How Does CBD Oil Function?

Niaz et al. (2017) showed that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates various psychological processes like reproduction, immune function, metabolism, sleep, stress, appetite, mood, memory, body temperature, and pain sensation. The ECS interacts through endocannabinoids, the neurotransmitters or messengers synthesized naturally by the human body that binds certain receptors. THC and CBD are plant-related cannabinoids in cannabis (hemp and marijuana). Additionally, they are chemically alike to endocannabinoids implying that they can communicate with one another. The endocannabinoid system assists modulate functions in numerous body parts.

Furthermore, professionals explain that ECS functions majorly with the human brain when dealing with anxiety and stress. Some brain circuits are involved in creating shifts in performance states. Mainly, such activities happen in the amygdala (brain part), which response to perceived and real dangers like false alarms that stimulate anxiety. Consequently, it triggers a flight or fight reaction when breathing hastens, heartbeats rapidly, an inner voice induces a run scream, and muscles tense. Sometimes the brain triggers a stress reaction that ECS can stop. According to Lutz (2022), the system maintains the amygdala less active in regulating the synthesis of anxiety or stress. Cannabidiol from CBD oil interacts with endocannabinoids, thus promoting the ECS system. When cannabinoids increase in the body, this system works effectively to ensure the body functions normally by removing stress and anxiety. Therefore, CBD helps maintain normal body functioning.

How is Cannabidiol for Anxiety Administered?

Cannabidiol companies manufacture various product formats. In addition, they have distinct consumption methods like inhalation, oral, spray, and sublingual. The cannabidiol product should be effective regardless of the method employed. However, the period required for effects to manifest varies. Huestis (2007) showed that users who utilize an oral technique such as oils, edibles, or capsules start experiencing the effects within 30 minutes to 2 hours. This is because the CBD compound is absorbed into the digestive system. Afterward, it enters the liver, where breakdown takes place. Later, the CBD absorbs into the bloodstream, which triggers effects manifestation. However, effects are experienced faster when cannabis buds are smoked, or CBD oil is vaped. This happens because the CBD compound sidesteps the digestive system. The cannabidiol enters the bloodstream immediately without undergoing any process. Consumers start experiencing effects after it absorbs into the bloodstream. The method is faster, although experts discourage it for various reasons.

Choosing CBD Oil for Anxiety

The CBD market is flooded with numerous products of different types and formulations. Unfortunately, fly-by-night brands have sneaked into the cannabidiol market with low quality and unsafe products. Nowadays, choosing high-quality products from unscrupulous ones is difficult. Therefore, consumers should consider certain parameters when selecting CBD oil for anxiety. For example, manufacturers determine the end product’s quality. For this reason, shop from reputable manufacturers who have positive customer reviews. Their products must have undergone third-party lab tests for purity, safety, and potency. They should provide the certificate of analysis (COA), which indicates the product’s ingredients. Furthermore, consider exclusively products extracted through the carbon dioxide extraction method.


Cannabidiol is sourced from hemp or marijuana plants. It does not cause intoxicating effects like THC, its cannabis counterpart. Most consumers report positive impacts after using CBD products. Nowadays, cannabidiol comes in different extracts, including full-spectrum, isolates, and broad-spectrum. Professionals explain that CBD functions by interacting with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). Additionally, the body has endocannabinoids with a similar chemical structure to phytocannabinoids. ECS regulates mood, anxiety, stress, appetite, reproduction, and other physiological processes. CBD communicates with this system which normalizes body stress and anxiety. Furthermore, choose high-quality CBD oil for anxiety from reputable companies that produces laboratory reports.


Chye, Christensen, Solowij, & Yücel, (2019). The Endocannabinoid System And Cannabidiol’s Promise For The Treatment Of Substance Use Disorder. Frontiers In Psychiatry10, 63.

Huestis, M. A. (2007). Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics. Chemistry & Biodiversity4(8), 1770.

Lutz, (2022). Neurobiology Of Cannabinoid Receptor Signaling. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience.

Niaz, Khan, Maqbool, Momtaz, Hassan, Nobakht-Haghighi, & Abdollahi, (2017). Endo-Cannabinoids System And The Toxicity Of Cannabinoids With A Biotechnological Approach. EXCLI Journal16, 688.

Where to buy delta 8 gummies

Since the legalization of hemp in 2018, the cannabis industry has been budding with new products, and the new kid on the block is delta 8 THC. This is a mild version of delta 9 THC, a cannabinoid responsible for getting one high. This article highlights what to look for in these gummies, where one can buy delta 8 gummies, and how to get the best gummies.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, has three isomers, i.e., delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10. Isomers differ from parent atoms in atom arrangement. In this case, delta 8 and delta 10 differ from delta 9 THC in the placement of the carbon atoms, particularly in the 8th, 10th, and 9th atoms, respectively. Delta 8 THC occurs naturally in low quantities of less than 0.1% by dry weight. However, it can be synthesized in the laboratory, but it is prohibited by law. Delta 8 gummies are made by infusing delta 8 oils with gummy ingredients to prepare these gummies. Below is a list of the best brands to buy delta 8 gummies from.

Will Delta 8 Gummies Get You High

Bergeria et al. (2022) noted that the effects of delta-8 THC gummies differ from those of delta-9 THC gummies in that you may feel “high” or “euphoric” after taking one. However, the effects are not as strong. Most users agree that delta-8’s euphoric effects are milder and more pleasurable than other hallucinogens. You avoid the overwhelming grogginess and spaced-out feeling and instead focus on the desired effects. You may notice an increase in stamina and ability to concentrate at work, but you may also notice an increase in your mood and an overall sense of well-being.

What Is the Recommended Dosage of Delta 8 THC Gummies?

There is no one-size-fits-all dosage for delta 8 gummies. Delta-8 THC has a wide range of effects based on a person’s metabolism and body chemistry. Akpunonu et al. (2021) noted that people with little or no THC experience might be more sensitive to Delta-8 THC than others. Once you know how the cannabinoid affects you, you can gradually increase the dosage until you experience the desired effects. There are several ways to experiment with Delta 8 Gummies, such as consuming one 25mg gummy, then observing how it affects you. It would be best to always wait at least a few hours before consuming delta-8, as edibles might take longer to impact you.

Are Delta 8 Gummies Safe

Delta 8 THC gummies are usually regarded as harmless if used in moderation. According to van de Donk et al. (2019), D8’s adverse effects may be comparable to other cannabinoids and may include weariness, dry mouth, and watery eyes. If you don’t eat too many D8 gummies, you won’t experience any major side effects. If you have never used THC before, use your best judgment when deciding how much to take. There is no danger of ingesting a toxic dose of D8 THC, but excessive consumption may produce unpleasant side effects.

What To Look for In Delta 8 THC Gummies

Due to the increased interest in delta 8 THC, delta 8 gummies are in great demand, and numerous vendors have rushed to meet the need. When purchasing delta 8 gummies, you’ll have to be a little more selective. In addition, a few things to keep in mind while shopping. Here are the key factors to consider.

Third-Party Lab Testing

Using delta-8 THC gummies calls for independent laboratory testing. Ensure the product does not include delta-9 THC, which would make the product and might have undesirable effects.

Quality Ingredients

If you buy D8 gummies, ensure they’re made with high-quality ingredients. Check to see if the delta 8 THC in your product was produced from hemp before you buy it from a provider.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

In the world of delta 8 gummies, it’s critical to have a trustworthy brand. The company selling delta 8 products should provide relevant information about themselves and how their products are made, so be sure to do some research before purchasing. Take a look at other customers’ reviews of specific products.


Any delta 8 THC gummy you purchase should be examined for potency levels. Gummies with 25mg of D8 THC are the most common, but you can also find gummies with far less or far more D8 THC in the market. First-time delta-8 users should stick to a lower potency level, such as 25mg.

Intended Purpose

Think about why you want to use delta-8 THC before shopping for gummies. Choose a small trial pack with two or four gummies to get a taste of these gummies quickly. Those who are more experienced with the product and plan to take the gummies daily for focus and relaxation may want to opt for a more potent and larger supply.

International Laws and Regulations

Hemp-derived delta-9 THC products are subject to state-level limitations, even if the product contains less than 0.3% THC. Some jurisdictions do not allow the export of delta-8, but this legislation is always changing. Therefore, checking out what is permitted in your area is important.

Where To Buy Delta 8 Gummies


With Just Delta 8 company, you are assured of;

Free Delivery

Free delivery on all purchases over $35. FedEx and DHL are the preferred methods of shipping for JustDELTA.

Independent Lab Testing

The laboratory findings for all sold products are freely accessible on their website, giving every customer peace of mind. You may feel confident that you’ll receive consistent and dependable Delta 8 goods due to their rigorous testing procedures and high-quality standards.

Derived From Domestic, Organic Hemp

All JustDelta products are all-natural and produced in the United States. They exclusively utilize the highest-grade THC extracted from hemp, with no added fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides.

The Highest-Quality CBD Products Available

Professionals and ordinary people concur that JustDelta products are unrivaled in strength, flavor, and efficacy. They are constantly one step ahead of the competition in selling Delta-8 online.


Numerous products circulating the market are made using delta 8 THC compounds. However, knowing where to buy legitimate products is of uttermost importance as this has a great impact on the effect it has on the user. Always check out for third-party test results, the source of hemp used, the reputation of the brand of the gummy, and the price of the gummies on offer. However, of uttermost importance is having a doctor’s opinion on whether to use delta 8 products and the recommended dosages.


Akpunonu, P., Baum, R. A., Reckers, A., Davidson, B., Ellison, R., Riley, M., … & Gerona, R. (2021). Sedation And Acute Encephalopathy In A Pediatric Patient Following Ingestion Of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Gummies. The American Journal Of Case Reports, 22, E933488-1.

Bergeria, C. L., Strickland, J. C., Spindle, T. R., Kalaba, M., Satyavolu, P. U., Feldner, M., … & Weerts, E. (2022). A Crowdsourcing Survey Study On The Subjective Effects Of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Relative To Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol And Cannabidiol. Experimental And Clinical Psychopharmacology.

Van De Donk, T., Niesters, M., Kowal, M. A., Olofsen, E., Dahan, A., & Van Velzen, M. (2019). An Experimental Randomized Study On The Analgesic Effects Of Pharmaceutical-Grade Cannabis In Chronic Pain Patients With Fibromyalgia. Pain, 160(4), 860.

Can CBD help with the symptoms of ocd?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD refers to a physical condition that causes repetitive behavior and intrusive thoughts. It is seen to affect 2 to 3% of the world’s population. The standard treatment for OCD is cognitive behavioral therapy and medication. According to Simpson et al.2020, the only medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration has been approved to treat OCD called Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs).

Approximately one-third of the people do not experience a significant reduction in symptoms after receiving the treatments. SRIs usually require about six weeks to have clinically significant effects. Kayser et al. (2020) anecdotally claimed that CBD products help relieve their OCD symptoms. Researchers are currently examining the CBD potential in treating OCD. However, the research is still young. Some studies have found promising results.

This article will look into the latest research on the CBDs’ ability to help treat OCD and discuss the potential side effects.

Can CBD Help to Reduce the Symptoms of OCD?

Currently, CBD’s ability to reduce the symptoms of OCD is mostly theoretical and anecdotal. It is because of the limited research examining the effectiveness of CBD for people living with OCD. Crippa et al. (2011) described people with OCD who experienced improved symptoms after receiving treatment with CBD or other cannabinoids. But still, more other clinical trials are needed to assess CBDs’ effectiveness and safety.

Research conducted in 2020 examined the effects of medical cannabis on a group of 87 people living with OCD. Those who received cannabis with higher doses of CBD had a larger reduction in compulsive behavior. Another study involving 14 participants compared the effects of cannabis containing different concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD to a placebo. They found that smoking cannabis with primarily CBD or THC had a little acute impact on the OCD symptoms.

How Does CBD Help with OCD Symptoms?

CBD is among the more than 80 biologically active compounds found in the cannabis plant. THC is the primary psychoactive compound that has a highness effect. CBD ia non-psychoactive and has several effects on the body, relieving pain and potentially reducing anxiety and depression.

The cause of CBD is multifactorial, but there is some evidence that the body’s endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating fear, anxiety, and repetitive behaviors. The endocannabinoid system is a pathway of receptors in the body that regulates sleep, appetite, mood, and other processes in the body. Once the CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it causes some changes to these processes. Researchers are not sure how the CBD interacts with the system.

The Best Form of CBD for OCD

CBD comes in different forms oils, patches, tinctures, and gummies. There is no evidence to prove that any form is more effective than the other. The amount of CBD per serving is more vital than the form. Despite that CBD can be beneficial, Whittle et al. (2001) suggested that taking CBD and THC, and some other chemicals found in cannabis-like terpenes can enhance its benefits. The phenomenon is usually referred to as the outrange effect.

Can CBD be given to Children to Treat OCD or Anxiety?

The FDA has approved CBD as the only condition for treating three forms of epilepsy. CBD has not been widely researched in treating other forms in children. CBDs’ long-term effects and safety are still unknown. Until some more research comes out, it is good to avoid giving CBD to children. Another problem that may arise from giving CBD to children is their potential to be mislabeled. A certain study carried out research and found that 20% of the products sold online were tested and contained detectable levels of psychoactive THC.

How Much Should I Take to Ease the Symptoms of OCD?

It is good to start with a small dose of CBD and work overtime once you understand how your body responds to it. Some people begin with a dose of about 40 mg each day.

Any Side Effects of Taking CBD for OCD?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but it may cause a few side effects like fatigue, diarrhea, change in appetite, dry mouth, and drowsiness.

Does CBD Interact with Other Medications When Taken For OCD?

Consult your doctor before taking CBD because it can interact with several medications. Once the medication says that you should avoid grapefruits, ensure you talk to your doctor before taking CBD. Both CBD and grapefruit have the potential to inhibit an enzyme known as CYP3A4 that is responsible for breaking down different types of medication. Once the enzyme is inhibited, it slows down the rate of medication hence strengthening its effects and side effects. Drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, and some other mood disorders can interact with CBD or grapefruit.

Can CBD Help in Treating Anxiety

Skelley et al. (2020) report published in a journal (neurotherapeutics) showed that CBD might help treat anxiety disorders. The authors reported that the CBD had previously shown potential in treating anxiety and relieving effects in animal research, and the results were amazing. In many studies, low doses of CBD improved some anxiety symptoms as high doses had almost no effects. CBD acts in the brain in a way that can explain why this happens. CBD can act the same way as the surrounding molecules that connect to the receptor that turn up their signaling in low doses. But in many dose activities, this receptor site may produce the opposite effects.

CBD can also benefit people with other forms of anxiety-like as social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic disorder, and insomnia. Multiple recent studies have shown that CBD may help people with post-traumatic stress like having nightmares and replaying negative memories. The studies have looked at CBD as a standalone treatment and a supplement to traditional treatments such as medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Bottom line

Research investigating the ability of CBD to treat OCD is still in its early stages. But some studies have found evidence that CBD can help in managing symptoms. Many individuals anecdotally report that they find it helpful. Generally, CBD is safe and rarely causes dangerous side effects. But can interact with many different medications. Before using CBD, talk to a doctor to start a holistic treatment plan.


Crippa, J. A. S., Derenusson, G. N., Ferrari, T. B., Wichert-Ana, L., Duran, F. L., Martin-Santos, R., … & Hallak, J. E. C. (2011). Neural Basis Of Anxiolytic Effects Of Cannabidiol (CBD) In Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder: A Preliminary Report. Journal Of Psychopharmacology, 25(1), 121-130.

Kayser, R. R., Haney, M., Raskin, M., Arout, C., & Simpson, H. B. (2020). Acute Effects Of Cannabinoids On Symptoms Of Obsessive‐Compulsive Disorder: A Human Laboratory Study. Depression And Anxiety, 37(8), 801-811.

Simpson, H. B., Foa, E. B., Liebowitz, M. R., Huppert, J. D., Cahill, S., Maher, M. J., … & Campeas, R. (2013). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Vs. Risperidone For Augmenting Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 70(11), 1190-1199.

Skelley, J. W., Deas, C. M., Curren, Z., & Ennis, J. (2020). Use Of Cannabidiol In Anxiety And Anxiety-Related Disorders. Journal Of The American Pharmacists Association, 60(1), 253-261.

Whittle, B. A., Guy, G. W., & Robson, P. (2001). Prospects For New Cannabis-Based Prescription Medicines. Journal Of Cannabis Therapeutics, 1(3-4), 183-205.

The benefits of CBD oil to seniors

There are three types of CBD affecting seniors differently; full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Some CBD oil benefits for seniors are sleep, pain, and mental health. However, the benefits are yet to be approved clinically.

The hemp plant continues to gain popularity as more health and wellness benefits are attached. Hemp and cannabis contain various elements with unique properties such as ant-inflammatory believed to be useful in improving general health and wellness. Common elements of the hemp plant with beneficial properties are cannabidiol (CBD), terpenes, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and flavonoids. The presence or absence of either of the elements in CBD oil determines the type of CBD. The three types of CBD oil are isolate, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum. Each of the three types is believed to offer unique health benefits to its users.

Types Of CBD Oil

Brands prefer different extraction methods for obtaining each useful element used for manufacturing either full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate CBD. Full-spectrum CBD oil is the most popular.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum is also called the whole plant (Maayah et al., 2020). Most manufacturers find it easy to manufacture because they use all the elements of the hemp plant. Therefore, they face less struggle to extract specific elements. Full-spectrum CBD oil comprises THC, CBD, flavonoids, and terpenes. The presence of various elements helps in offering an entourage effect. This is the ability of various elements to provide more therapeutic benefits than a single element. Unique properties of each element blend to offer more benefits. Full-spectrum CBD is useful to seniors to minimize pain, stress, and depression. However, the presence of THC results in doubts regarding its effectiveness, being a psychoactive element.

Most brands try ensuring THC levels in full-spectrum CBD oil are below 0.3%, the amounts found in the hemp plant. Some brands have been having issues regarding potency levels of their CBD products, and THC levels have rare cases. However, the manufacturers do their best; consumers should take personal responsibility and ensure they minimize the total intake. High quantities of full-spectrum CBD oil results in THC accumulation, which overwhelms the body. This triggers intoxicating side effects, including anxiety, poor memory, severe headaches, and poor appetite.

Broad Spectrum

Broad-spectrum CBD oil seems to be the best solution because of the benefits of various elements of the hemp plant. It comprises all the elements of hemp except THC. Broad-spectrum CBD oil also offers an entourage effect without exposing the user to the side effects of THC. According to de Assis et al. (2021), the benefits of broad-spectrum CBD oil include reducing anxiety, depression, stress, and pain. However, the absence of THC shouldn’t be a leeway for taking too much or highly concentrated broad-spectrum CBD oil. This is because of cases of experiencing THC-related side effects. Therefore, consider taking considerable amounts. The concentration impact varies depending on the experience and immunity system.

A strong immunity system is likely to fight the side effects of CBD or THC. On the contrary, a weak one will be overwhelmed by high potency levels. Therefore, its important to assess the immunity system before using CBD oil products. Also, it is recommended to talk to a medical practitioner to assess the impact of CBD on your health fast. Besides, the experience of CBD oil also determines whether it is likely to affect a user. Veterans are likely to experience the side effects of broad-spectrum CBD oil by taking a higher concentration than usual. On the contrary, the impact of CBD oil on the novices could be triggered by low potency levels.


Isolate CBD oil is manufactured using pure CBD. It is void of terpenes, flavonoids, and THC. Isolate CBD oil is suitable for consumers to avoid the intoxicating side effects of THC. However, it can only benefit seniors interested in CBD oil and not terpenes, flavonoids, and THC.

CBD Oil For Sleep

A large portion of the US population is either fighting insomnia or poor sleeping patterns. Research has been ongoing to find a better solution, but the solution is yet to be found. The impact of CBD oil on our general health and wellness suggests that CBD oil can create a better sleeping environment. It is important to note that CBD does not treat sleep but helps address contributing factors. The claimed factors include stress, anxiety, and pain. Stress is among the top factors for lack of sleep, followed by pain. Many Americans suffer from stress which might hinder them from catching enough sleep. This makes CBD oil suitable for seniors struggling with sleep.

CBD Oil For Pain

Pain is generally disturbing and unbearable. It disrupts the peace of mind by shifting one’s attention to it. VanDolah et al. (2019, September) reported that the hemp plant has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain. This works for both external and internal pain. However, seniors should use a considerable amount to avoid CBD-related side effects.

CBD Oil For Mental Health

Mental health and stability are very important for one’s daily duties. Being disturbed or stressed by various issues lowers productivity. Lessenger & Feinberg (2008) suggested that pharmaceutical drugs enhance mental health; they can result in agitation, insomnia, headaches, and sexual dysfunction rather than offering a solution. However, CBD oil has shown promising results for treating mental health, including anxiety and stress. This is because it interacts with B1 receptors around the mind regulating hormones triggering stress. However, the research is yet to be approved as clinical.

Can CBD Oil Make You High?

Although CBD oil offers various health and wellness benefits to seniors, it also has potential threats. THC triggers the “high” effect On CBD oil. Therefore, full-spectrum CBD oil users will likely experience this unless they take considerable amounts. Seniors likely to go for drug tests are recommended to use broad-spectrum and isolate CBD oil because they are void of THC, unlike full spectrum.


Although CBD oil is associated with various health and wellness benefits to seniors, some are not approved. The only use of CBD oil approved by the FDA is treating epilepsy. However, various research trying to prove CBD oil’s impact on seniors has shown promising results yet to be approved as clinical benefits. Seniors should also consider the side effects of taking highly concentrated CBD oil. The common negative implications are anxiety and severe headaches. However, they are likely to come from full-spectrum CBD oil since it has THC.


De Assis, P. M., Ferrarini, E. G., Baldasso, G. M., Paes, R. S., Gouvêa, M. C., Segundo, C. E. N., … & Raposo, N. R. B. (2021). Broad-Spectrum Cannabis Oil Alleviates Behavioral Symptoms Associated With Stress-Related Anxiety And Depression In Mice. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 28(2), 239-250.

Lessenger, J. E., & Feinberg, S. D. (2008). Abuse Of Prescription And Over-The-Counter Medications. The Journal Of The American Board Of Family Medicine, 21(1), 45-54.

Maayah, Z. H., Takahara, S., Ferdaoussi, M., & Dyck, J. R. (2020). The Molecular Mechanisms That Underpin The Biological Benefits Of Full-Spectrum Cannabis Extract In The Treatment Of Neuropathic Pain And Inflammation. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis Of Disease, 1866(7), 165771.

Vandolah, H. J., Bauer, B. A., & Mauck, K. F. (2019, September). Clinicians’ Guide To Cannabidiol And Hemp Oils. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 94, No. 9, Pp. 1840-1851). Elsevier.

2022’s 5 best CBD + THC gummies – consumer guide

The JustCBD store never misses out on any list of the best CBD + THC gummies in 2022. The brand is amazing, offering high-quality gummies and providing lab reports that help you view the cannabinoid profile and the contaminant status of the gummies. Here is all you need to know about why the JustCBD store never misses out on the list.

If you are a CBD/THC fan, you likely have performed an online search for the best CBD + THC gummies in 2022. You will come across many brands that are included in the list for one reason or the other, but the JustCBD store never misses out. In fact, it is not just part of the list, but the number one item in it. Why is the JustCBD store a whole package? For the most part, the store has a wide inventory of many products. It offers CBD oils, tinctures, capsules, and vape oils, among many others. Besides, you have the CBD + THC gummies in multiple options. This article is your informant, helping you appreciate why the JustCBD store cannot miss out on the best CBD + THC gummies in 2022.

What Are CBD + THC Gummies?

The whole idea about gummies is not new. We have many supplements and vitamins that come in the form of gummies. They are colorful and sweetened, making them ideal for kids who may need supplements but cannot take capsules. At the JustCBD store, our CBD + THC gummies feature many colors and flavors, allowing our clients many options from which to choose. You can buy the CBD + THC sour gummy or the CBD + THC ribbon, all featuring 8 mg THC per gummy and varying CBD amounts. Besides, many like our brand for our comprehensive lab reports that accompany the CBD + THC gummies, helping you know the cannabinoid and safety profiles of the products.

Why Take CBD + THC Gummies?

According to Massi et al. (2006) and Bauer et al. (2020), CBD is non-psychoactive. Many cannabinoid fans opt for pure CBD gummies for their non-intoxicating nature; they offer the desired effects without leaving you stoned. Meanwhile, Schlienz et al. (2018) stated that THC is intoxicating, and is the very compound responsible for the high effect one feels from smoking weed. Because of this, many wonder why THC features in the gummies. According to McCoy et al. (2018), cannabinoids, including CBD and THC, can improve a person’s quality of life. Many take CBD + TCH gummies, hoping to boost their quality of life. Of course, the FDA has not approved CBD or THC for treating any disease or condition, but many states have legalized medical cannabis with THC as a compound for medical purposes. Nonetheless, we advise our clients to seek medical advice before opting for the CBD + THC gummies.

We Offer Strong Gummies

There are many factors you need to consider before settling for a brand for sourcing your CBD + THC gummies. Thankfully, JustCBD ticks the box for most of these factors. We offer strong gummies that meet the needs of CBD/THC novices and veterans alike. The concept of cannabinoid potency is critical and one of the parameters that inform your CBD + THC gummy choice. Simply put, potency is the quotient of the total cannabinoid by the total volume. For instance, if a 500 mg CBD jar has 25 gummies, its potency is 20 (500/25) mg/unit. Our CBD + THC gummies have varying CBD potencies, ranging from 8 to 44 mg/unit. Meanwhile, we know that THC can make a person high so we limit its concentration in the gummies. Our CBD + THC gummies have not more than 8 mg per gummy. Still, these are strong potencies, considering that THC is psychoactive and can make you high but you still need to keep the high effect in control.

You Have Several Flavored Options to Tap Into

Are you wondering why else the JustCBD store is one of the top companies in the 2022 list of the best CBD + THC gummies? The store offers gummies in several flavored and colored options. You can have the gummies in green, yellow, red, or orange colors, depending on your preferences. Besides, you can also have Tutti Frutti, Strawberry, Blueberry, Green Apple, or Sugar-free flavored options for the gummies.

We Offer Organic THC + CBD Gummies

One factor you certainly need to pay attention to as you buy CBD + THC gummies is environmental considerations. What are the environmental factors surrounding the raw materials for your gummies? Since its inception in 2017, the JustCBD store has been using organic hemp to manufacture its delta- 8 THC, CBD, and CBD + TCH products. Its CBD + THC gummies are organic in nature and have no inorganic ingredients. Besides, the lab reports that are only a click away reveal the ingredient list of the gummies, boosting clients’ confidence.

Our Gummies Are 3rd Party Tested

The other reason why the JustCBD store cannot miss out on the list of the best 2022 CBD + THC gummies is 3rd party testing. With the many CBD companies in the hemp space, identifying a reputable brand is not easy. However, with 3rd party test results, you can tell the cannabinoid profile of the products in question, helping you gauge how good a brand is. What sets the JustCBD store apart from other companies is how it conducts 3rd party tests. It liaises with reputable labs such as Kaycha and Green Labs, which are modern labs with top-notch services. Besides, the results are posted online in the Lab Reports section, and it’s only a click away for you to view them. They show how accurate the brand is as far as cannabinoid labeling is concerned. Besides, the results show that the CBD + THC gummies are pure.


The best CBD + THC gummy search is common. CBD + THC gummies are great at delivering the two cannabinoids in one package, hence the great popularity around them. The JustCBD store is one of the companies that offer quality CBD + THC gummies. Peer into this article to appreciate why it can never miss out on the list of the best brands.


Bauer, B. A. (2020). What Are The Benefits Of CBD–And Is It Safe To Use? In Mayo Clinic.

Massi, P., Vaccani, A., Bianchessi, S., Costa, B., Macchi, P., & Parolaro, D. (2006). The non-psychoactive cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 63(17), 2057-2066.

McCoy, B., Wang, L., Zak, M., Al‐Mehmadi, S., Kabir, N., Alhadid, K., … & Snead III, O. C. (2018). A prospective open‐label trial of a CBD/THC cannabis oil in dravet syndrome. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 5(9), 1077-1088.

Schlienz, N. J., Lee, D. C., Stitzer, M. L., & Vandrey, R. (2018). The effect of high-dose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration. Drug and alcohol dependence, 187, 254-260.

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