Pros and cons of CBD oil for anxiety and depression

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of CBD oils? Can CBD oil be used on anxiety and depression patients and individuals? How effective is CBD oil to such individuals? This article explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of CBD oil for anxiety and Depression.

Cannabidiol is a cannabis plant compound. There are hundreds of compounds found in the cannabis plant, but the common one is CBD and THC. Both have many benefits, but this article will major on the CBD. CBD was legally permitted around 2018 after the researchers had conducted several surveys on animals and linked them to human beings discovering that CBD is a very beneficial compound. Accurately, since that backs up, CBD oil claims are good for patients suffering from depression and anxiety are yet to be known. However, patients with the underlying conditions have testified to experiencing great chance and recovery after its consumption. This article gives you a breakdown of CBD oil, venturing into its pros and cons to enable you to get the full information.

What is CBD oil

According to Grof (2018), CBD Is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. CBD is extracted and later on processed to come up with the oil itself. There are two major species of cannabis plant they are hemp and marijuana. CBD is available in high quantities in the hemp plant, whereas THC is majorly available in the marijuana plant. THC is tetrahydrocannabinol responsible for giving its consumers a euphoric effect. High levels of CBD consumption do not lead to such euphoric effects. Hemp contains a mere 0.3 % THC, making it safe and free from offering a high feeling to its consumer.

Using CBD to Minimize Anxiety

Well-being and good moods are linked with a hormone known as serotonin. Serotonin primarily causes complications to do with anxiety. Absorption of Brain serotonin is impeded, causing a rise in the amounts of serotonin. Research is yet to indicate the mechanism used by the broad-spectrum CBD to deal with anxiety, but many factors are involved. It is believed that serotonin works with the cannabinoid receptors located in the brain to display like effects. Gellner et al. (2021) explained that CBD relates to the human body and changes serotonin signals, enabling patients to get larger amounts of serotonin than normal amounts. Also, an individual can use CBD oil to remedy various conditions related to anxiety, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety itself. CBD oil is also linked with reduced anxiety symptoms such as insomnia associated with anxiety, not forgetting rapid heartbeat.

Use of CBD oil to Deal with Depression

Depression is a destructive condition associated with people being gloomy and uninterested. On the other hand, anxiety is associated with pain in the chest and excessive concerns of a panic attack. The good thing is that CBD can be diagnosed in several ways. Selective serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors are applied broadly though they cause negative side effects. It makes many people go for alternative safer, and natural ways to deal with depression or anxiety. The most recent options for diagnosis are CBD, which is gaining popularity day and night. Zenone et al. (2021) explained that CBD for the treatment of Depression is very new; one should consult a medical practitioner before trying.

Advantages of Using CBD for treatment of anxiety and Depression.

People use CBD oil for several reasons in their journey of treating both anxiety and Depression. Some of the reasons are;

CBD is Easy to Use

According to Leszko & Meenrajan (2021), people taking CBD do not require instructions from doctors on how to use CBD oil. However, make it a must to let the doctor know so that they can give you adequate advice on the dosage and other factors to consider, especially if you are under certain medication already. Any amount that fits your cravings and gives the expected effects is okay for you. A patient suffering from Depression may choose to go for it because it’s easy to use.

Organic CBD is Free from pesticides

Cannabis plants are sprayed with pesticides periodically by farmers. It’s good to avoid taking products that are growing using artificial chemicals. It is because the chemicals may stick through up to the final product. The safest CBD is extracted from the organically farmed hemp plant.

CBD oil is tested and approved for the treatment of both Anxiety and Depression

According to VanDolah et al. (2019), CBD works to combat both anxiety and depression in most people. Cannabidiol is used to treat social anxiety, restlessness, and disorders that come up as a result of Depression and anxiety.

Users can feel no Euphoric Effects.

During extraction, THC is extracted. Euphoric effects are linked with THC and not CBD; thus, there are no strange disorientation and dizziness. Additionally, CBD does not cause increased levels of appetite or cause starvation.

Ease to Swallow

A few people find it hard to consume CBD gels; CBD capsules are a perfect solution. CBD oils have neither a smell nor flavor; this will make you hardly feel the drops going down. You only feel the effects.

CBD oils Have a Higher Bioavailability

Bioavailability is the ability of any supplement to break down and get absorbed in the body. When it comes to CBD, its bioavailability relies on the CBD product and how it is consumed. Since CBD oils are placed under the tongues instead of being consumed orally, the CBD gets into the bloodstream directly via the sublingual glands. Therefore, CBD in oil form will be absorbed faster than swallowing the capsules.

A Flexible Dosage

Tzortzi et al. (2020) explained that CBD oils are usually packaged in small medicine bottles that have eye droppers at the top. It means that its dosage is quite flexible compared to that of the capsules, depending on the consumer’s needs or how one is feeling. You can choose between limiting the drops or adding them, depending on the effect you want to experience.

An Individual can Add Oils to Foods or Drinks

Due to their reasonable eye dropper presentation, CBD oils can be added to one’s favorite food or drink. It is all up to you if you want to mix it with the cereals you are taking for breakfast or fries during lunchtime. CBD oils give a wide range of edibility now that you can have some drops in a meal of your choice.

CBD oils Are More Convenient for pests

CBD oils are believed to cure many conditions in different pets. Some pests require tranquilizers to handle them. Therefore, it is easy to add a few drops to the pet’s food or drink, and the pet becomes calm. It is because CBD causes drowsiness.

Cons Of CBD Oil

Limited Availability

CBD is not available broadly because it is new for treating Depression and other medical disorders. Full-Spectrum CBD is found in countries that don’t permit medical marijuana.


CBD oil is just an amazing plant extract and with intensified research am sure the extract will become a very precious commodity. From the article above, it’s notable that the advantages outway the disadvantages of using CBD oil for the treatment of Depression and anxiety. Individuals with such conditions should embrace the consumption of CBD oil.


Grof, C. P. (2018). Cannabis, from plant to pill. British journal of clinical pharmacology84(11), 2463-2467.

Gellner, A. K., Voelter, J., Schmidt, U., Beins, E. C., Stein, V., Philipsen, A., & Hurlemann, R. (2021). Molecular and neurocircuitry mechanisms of social avoidance. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences78(4), 1163-1189.

Leszko, M., & Meenrajan, S. (2021). Attitudes, beliefs, and changing trends of cannabidiol (CBD) oil use among caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Complementary Therapies in Medicine57, 102660.

Tzortzi, A., Kapetanstrataki, M., Evangelopoulou, V., & Behrakis, P. (2020). A systematic literature review of e-cigarette-related illness and injury: not just for the respirologist. International journal of environmental research and public health17(7), 2248.

VanDolah, H. J., Bauer, B. A., & Mauck, K. F. (2019, September). Clinicians’ guide to cannabidiol and hemp oils. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 94, No. 9, pp. 1840-1851). Elsevier.

Zenone, M. A., Snyder, J., & Crooks, V. A. (2021). What informational pathways shape people’s use of cannabidiol for medical purposes?. Journal of cannabis research3(1), 1-8.

Are 500mg CBD gummies strong?

If you are new to CBD, the 500 mg gummies are ideal for you. They are strong enough for beginners and have their effects lasting for long. Here is all you need to know about the 500 mg CBD gummies at the JustCBD store and elsewhere.

Choosing the right potency for CBD gummies can be challenging when you are starting out on the CBD regime but the 500 mg CBD gummies are strong and long-lasting. If you are new to CBD, they are ideal for you since the potency is neither too strong nor too weak and the long-lasting effects are all you need for a start. Of course, the JustCBD store and other CBD outlets have lower potency CBD gummies that you could also opt for, including the 250 mg gummies. Peer into this article to understand the whole idea of CBD potency and why the 500 mg options should be your favorite pick.

Introducing CBD

Before looking at CBD gummies, you need to understand the parent compound, CBD. Although there are many CBD products to tap into, not every CBD fan understands CBD. Massi et al. (2006) and Bauer et al. (2020) described CBD as a non-psychoactive chemical compound in hemp. Hemp belongs to the cannabis class which boasts many active compounds called cannabinoids. Nature has more than 100 cannabinoids but still stands out. Of course, the non-psychoactive nature means CBD being popular, unlike THC, which Schlienz et al. (2018) defined as intoxicating and psychoactive. Is that the only reason why CBD is popular? According to Watt & Karl (2017), CBD is therapeutic. Many CBD fans are attracted to the cannabinoid because of the therapy linked to it.

CBD Gummies- What Are They?

There are many ways to deliver CBD to the body, CBD gummies being among them. The cells cannot take CBD as a compound but through vehicles or delivery methods, it can take them in. of course, the whole idea of gummies is not new, and many supplements and vitamins come as gummies. CBD gummies are sweet chewable products with CBD as the main ingredient. The JustCBD CBD gummies and Sleep Options come in different colors, flavors, and forms that you can tap into to benefit from CBD. Besides, if you need Sugar-free or vegan gummies, the JustCBD store got your back. Like the rest of the products in the store’s inventory, CBD gummies feature several options that you could go for.

Other CBD Delivery Methods

CBD gummies are many CBD fans’ favorite method of delivering CBD to the body. Of course, not all users find them great, since they need time for digestion and take 45 minutes- 1 hour to kick in, which is definitely a long time. How else would one take CBD if he is not for the sweet gummies? You could opt for the following delivery methods, which are available at the JustCBD store;

  1. CBD oils; are administered sublingually or orally to take advantage of CBD.
  2. CBD tinctures; are more like CBD oils in intake but have an alcohol base, making them slightly bitter and earthy
  3. CBD topicals; CBD creams are a few of the many products that you can topically apply to the skin to benefit from CBD
  4. CBD capsules; if you find CBD oils and tinctures too bitter, CBD capsules that mask the bitter taste are great for you
  5. CBD edibles; CBD gummies are not the only edibles there are, you can go for CBD honey sticks, worms, rings, and many other options
  6. CBD vapes; you can vape CBD oils using CBD carts, pens, and tanks

The Concept of CBD Potency in Gummies

Are you new to CBD? You need to understand the potency concept to help you choose the ideal CBD gummies for you. CBD concentration is the total CBD in a jar or a bottle. For instance, a 30 ml bottle with 1000 mg CBD has 1000 mg CBD concentration while a 500 mg CBD gummy jar has 500 mg CBD concentration. You need not calculate concentrations; you read them directly off the containers. However, potency is a bit different. It refers to the total CBD concentration divided by the units (number) or total volume. The 1000 mg CBD concentration in the 30 ml bottle translates to a 33.3 mg/ml potency and the 500 mg CBD concentration in the CBD gummies translates to 20 mg/unit if the jar has 25 gummies. Unlike CBD concentration which one reads off the jar, you have to calculate potencies.

Are 500 mg CBD Strong?

If you are buying your CBD gummies from the JustCBD store or any other CBD outlet, you may ask if the 500 mg concentrated gummies are strong. Yes, they are strong and have effects that last long. Thus, if you are new to CBD gummies and want something whose effects are strong but not too strong for you while still lasting long, the 500 mg gummies will definitely be great for you. all you need to do is visit the JustCBD online store and order CBD gummies of your choice. They come in many options, including the Rainbow Ribbons, Sour Rings, Bears, Worms, and more that you can choose. They are wonderfully colored, making them even more appealing.

How Many Gummies Should You Eat?

How many gummies should you eat? The CBD industry is largely unregulated, making this a tricky question to answer. People have varying CBD needs and while one gummy might be enough for you, another fellow might need more or less. However, the potency of CBD gummies matters in determining how many gummies you need. The more potent the gummies are, the less you need to experience CBD effects. besides, CBD metabolism is also important since faster metabolism may allow you to eat two gummies without feeling overwhelmed while low potency limits the number of gummies you can take.


The 500 CBD gummies on the JustCBD store are strong. If you are new to CBD and want something strong enough and whose effects last long, they are ideal for you. meanwhile, the 250 mg option is great for people who need something less strong. JustCBD store gummies come in many color, strength, and flavor options, all for you.


Bauer, B. A. (2020). What Are The Benefits Of CBD–And Is It Safe To Use?. In Mayo Clinic.

Massi, P., Vaccani, A., Bianchessi, S., Costa, B., Macchi, P., & Parolaro, D. (2006). The non-psychoactive cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 63(17), 2057-2066.

Schlienz, N. J., Lee, D. C., Stitzer, M. L., & Vandrey, R. (2018). The effect of high-dose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration. Drug and alcohol dependence, 187, 254-260.

Watt, G., & Karl, T. (2017). In vivo evidence for therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 20.

A beginner’s guide to delta-8 gummies: everything to know

Delta-8 gummies are starting to take the CBD edibles market by storm. They are one of the many types of gummies that consumers can take and offer a range of benefits to us as customers, which we will delve into in this article. Once you’ve read through this beginner’s guide, you can get your hands on your own delta-8 gummies like many others that are reading this guide, hoping to find the right CBD gummies for sleep, aches, pains, inflammation and overall well being.

If you’re familiar with CBD, you’ll know that it can contain some THC. There are in fact a total of four different types of THC that can be found in cannabis, hemp and CBD. Delta-8 is one of those THC types. Delta-8 THC, has been legal in a number of US states since the Farm Bill of 2018.

Are Delta-8 Gummies Safe?
D8 (Delta-8) is completely organic and safe for us to consume. Many CBD experts have stated that there are lab results to prove the safety of Delta-8 gummies. As a beginner, it is important to know your dosage. Always start small the first time you try these gummies, to avoid experiencing side effects like nausea, headaches and sickness from dosing too high as a beginner. Once you become comfortable with the product, you can then increase your dosage.

Will You Get High From Delta-8 Gummies
Delta-8 is a type of THC and THC is the chemical compound within cannabis plants that makes you feel “high”, so you can assume that you will get that high feeling from these gummies. This is nothing for a beginner to worry about, don’t think you will go doing something stupid or begin throwing up like you have just consumed a copious amount of marijuana, that simply isnt the case. Delta-8 is very effective at helping you to relax your mind, feel calm, feel less anxious and also help with depression. If this is something you experience often then we would recommend the Delta-8 gummies. Because of these benefits, you can also use these CBD gummies for sleep.

How Long Do Delta-8 Gummies Take To Work?
The time in which it takes for the gummies to kick in really does vary from person to person, however we typically expect users to feel the effects anywhere from 30 minutes up to 2 hours. You will not feel all the effects in one instant, it can take time and be a gradual phase of having different feelings, which is actually better for beginners, as they typically can feel a bit nervous or worried the first time trying a product like this.

How To Choose Delta 8 Gummies
There are certainly some factors you can consider before choosing your delta 8 gummies. This will help you to decide which ones are best suited for your needs and preferences. Here are some tips to consider before you purchase yours:

  • The quality of the ingredients
  • Third party lab testings of the gummies
  • Purpose of use
  • Strength of dosage
  • Flavour

Other consumer reviews

A beginner’s guide to CBD gummies

You may or may not have heard about one of the latest revelations within the edibles space, a legal treat known as CBD gummies. Filled with a very important ingredient known as cannabidiol (CBD), these edibles are not only delicious, but provide many benefits to us, both physically and mentally.

If you’re unfamiliar with CBD, here is a quick lesson for you. CBD is a chemical compound that is derived from cannabis plants. It is completely legal when in doses containing less that 0.3% THC. THC is the chemical substance that makes you experience psychoactive side effects, which is what people commonly mistake CBD with. CBD contains little, to no CBD. Not only is CBD completely safe as far as research from our experts suggests, it can also provide us with many benefits, which we will get into in this article.

Read through this article to see how you can use CBD gummies for anxiety, stress, pain relief, healing and more.

Benefits of CBD Gummies

Reduces Inflammation
One of the major benefits is that it targets inflammation in order to reduce it. CBD has antibacterial and antifungal properties, meaning it can target wounds and reduce the chances of infection and reduce swelling.

Great For Pain Relief
A lot of people use CBD gummies for pain relief. It targets muscle aches and soreness in order to numb the pain, just like prescriptions would do. If you suffer from aches and pains then CBD gummies for pain relief should definitely be considered as it is so effective. 

Increases Serotonin Levels
Serotonin within our bodies controls our mood and behaviour. The higher our serotonin levels, you could say the better. However it is important to have a stable balance. CBD will provide you with this balance that you need. If you feel like your behaviour is constantly changing your mood all the time, then why not try CBD gummies and see if they work for you.

CBD products can be used for many mental benefits, people take CBD gummies for anxiety, stress and depression.

Helps With Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is becoming quite common and a lot of people struggle to get the right amount of hours of sleep each night. This has increased since we are exposed to so much technology, social media, worrying, overthinking and our brains just working in overload right when we want to go to bed. CBD can be known to help as it calms your mind and body, allowing you to fall asleep with ease.
Read more about the CBD gummies health benefits here.

Where To Store CBD Gummies
CBD gummies need to be stored in cool temperatures and areas where the temperature doesn’t fluctuate. That’s why we recommend storing them in the refrigerator as the main place. Placing them at the back of your fridge would be perfect for them to retain their moisture and remain soft. You could also place them on a shelf, which isn’t exposed to sunlight and stays at a nice cool temperature.

5 things to look for when purchasing CBD gummies

CBD gummies are a type of CBD edible. What this means is you can swallow it and digest it. The gummies contain CBD, which is a chemical compound that comes from the cannabis plant. Not to worry though, this chemical compound is not the same as THC, despite being derived from the same plant. In fact, our experts have told us that CBD, to be sold legally, can only contain a maximum of 0.3% THC, which means it’s completely safe and you won’t experience any psychoactive side effects.

With CBD gaining a lot of popularity, it’s important that we know, as consumers, what to look out for when purchasing CBD gummies. We need to make sure we are buying the ones that are best suited for us. Here are 5 things that you should look out for when buying CBD gummies:

Not all CBD gummies contain the same ingredients, which might have an overall effect on your experience. You want the ones with the nicest taste and the most healing properties that are going to target your areas of aches, pains or inflammation. Read the label or check the list of ingredients online before purchasing. Make sure that the ingredients are of high-quality and also that they are free from the following: pesticides, mould and heavy metals.

The amount of CBD contained within the gummies is important and should always be stated with each product. If you’re new to CBD gummies, then we recommend starting off with a smaller dosage. The reason for this is that it has been known that beginners who jump to a high dosage instantly, will likely feel some side effects such as nausea, sickness, etc.

If you are aware of dosages you’ve had in the past then of course it’s easier for you to pick the dosage and strength that you know you can handle.

Available Certificate of Analysis
You can also look into the manufacturers and whether or not they share the certificates of their products, as well as receipts of third party lab results. This will help to confirm and reassure customers that their CBD gummies are completely safe for human consumption. It will also prove that the right measures are in place to prove that no shortcuts have been taken and the company is serious about producing a high quality CBD product.

Serving Size
If you are a beginner to CBD gummies, and still even so if you have had them before, it’s always more reassuring and convenient if the company provides information on recommended serving sizes.

Not all products will have these sorts of recommendations on their product information but it can help customers when it comes to taking CBD gummies, knowing what amount to begin with and what is safe. Especially when CBD is still making a name for itself in the industry and studies are still battling with all the misconceptions around CBD that people who don’t know the product have created. 

Third-party labs
Finally, we recommend choosing a product that must be trialled and outsourced to labs in order to prove they are safe and contain no contaminants. This will be so important and having this stage will be the icing on the cake for customers to know what they are taking is categorically safe and reliable.

You can read more about CBD gummies here.

4 easy places to store your CBD gummies

Other than the effects and ingredients, CBD gummies aren’t any different from normal gummies, which is why where you store them is important. If stored incorrectly, they can go hard and the texture isn’t as pleasing as when they are soft, like gummies are meant to be. CBD gummies contain sugar, water and gelatin, which means storing them in the correct places will help them to last longer.

CBD gummies are great for consumers, they are packed with many benefits. You can get them for all different purposes. For example you can have CBD gummies for pain, for inflammation and also for mental benefits.

Why You Need To Store Your CBD Gummies
CBD gummies, when exposed to air, will lose their moisture and soft feel. It is to do with how much water is within the gummies, the  more there is, the softer they feel, which is good for us as consumers. By storing the gummies where they won’t be exposed to air, they can be stashed away for longer and something for you to enjoy at a later date.

What’s In CBD Gummies?
The key ingredients within CBD gummies includes sugar, water, colour flavourings, CBD and gelatin or pectin. Some of these ingredients, especially Gelatin, needs to be stored at a cool temperature in order to maintain the gel substance. For the vegan variation, pectin is used instead of gelatin. Pectin needs water and moisture to maintain its gel form.

Where Can You Store CBD Gummies?
If you don’t know where to store your gummies or feel like you’ve been storing them incorrectly, then not to worry. We have the answers for you. Here are some safe places where you can store your CBD edibles in order for them to maintain texture and flavour.

The most popular place and most recommendable place for these CBD gummies is in the refrigerator. The reason for this is because it keeps a cool temperature that has low moisture. It’s a place where the water content within the CBD gummies won’t evaporate to make it lose texture.

Believe it or not, gummies can be freezed to preserve their good condition. Note that if you plan to consume them soon, it probably isn’t worth freezing them. However if you are looking for longevity with your gummies, freezing isn’t such a bad option. If you use CBD gummies for pain, then freezing them would be good as you can use them as and when you experience the pain.

On A Shelf
If you have a shelf that remains at a cool temperature, then you will be able to store your gummies there. Note that they must remain out of the way from direct sunlight and not be stored near anything that can get hot.

Dark Cupboards
A cupboard is also a necessary place to store your gummies. The only condition is if the cupboard is a cool temperature that isn’t exposed to light or heat. The temperature should also be as stable as possible, fluctuations in temperature can have an effect on the texture.

How Long Can You Store Gummies For?
From what we have researched, gummies, when stored properly can remain on the shelf for a year, or even more. This requires them to not be moved into different areas with different temperatures, this has to be in a fixed place, unopened. As soon as the  bag of gummies is opened, they are exposed to air, which will start to make them deteriorate. Read more from our experts.

5 surprising benefits and uses of CBD gummies

If you haven’t already stumbled across one of the best CBD products known to the industry, then let’s give you a quick run down. CBD gummies are edibles that are made from many ingredients, the key one being cannabidiol (CBD). The best CBD gummies are very easy to consume, they come in a variety of shapes, colours and flavours and are digested very well. There are a long line of benefits to CBD products in general but in the article we’re going to specifically look at CBD gummies and the benefits that they provide to us as consumers.

Health Benefits
Companies that manufacture and produce the best CBD gummies suggest that these products are exceptionally good at providing both physical and mental benefits. Mentally, experts suggest that they help with anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression is becoming a very concerning matter as people are opening up more about their experiences with anxiety and depression. CBD could help to target these as CBD has been known to increase serotonin levels, which affects your mood and behaviour in a positive way.

Physically, CBD gummies target inflammation, pain, aches, and can also help to improve your sleep if you’re sleep deprived. The way in which CBD does this is it works with your endocannabinoid receptors and your nervous system to target areas of aches and pains. It is important to mention that the studies that suggest the above, have only been tested on pure CBD oil, however there’s no reason to suggest that the same outcome wouldn’t occur with CBD gummies.

How Do CBD Gummies Taste?
In a similar way that not all medicines taste nice, neither do CBD gummies. The actual taste of CBD alone has been known to be really bitter, meaning that it has to be sugar coated, a lot, in order to cover over that bitter taste. As mentioned before, there are a variety of flavours when it comes to CBD gummies, so it could be a case of trial and error, or listening to CBD professionals on their opinion of which ones taste the nicest.

Is CBD Safe?
One of the common misconceptions around CBD is whether or not it is actually safe, due to the fact it’s derived from the cannabis plant, which many associate with marijuana. We can confirm that CBD is completely safe and is a chemical compound used in many healthcare substances. It can even be prescribed to some patients by doctors.

Tips for Using CBD Gummies

Dose Low
If you’re new to CBD gummies then it’s very important you dose low as it has been known to show side effects when people who are inexperienced dose too high. For example you can get headaches, feel sick, tired and ill. Once you are comfortable with a dosage, if you wish to increase it slightly then you can.

By From Established Brands
THis goes without saying really, it’s probably safer if you are a beginner to buy from trusted brands that are being recommended by most. This way you know you’re taking a product that many people within the healthcare space have tried before and has been well reviewed.

Lab Tested Gummies Are Preferable
Gummies that have been lab tested to ensure they don’t contain any contaminants are the  best way to go. Not all CBD products are lab tested by third parties and they won’t state they are if they aren’t. However ones that are will proudly state this to consumers and it’s something we admire and look for specifically.

Can i use CBD lip balm for calmness?

As we venture further down the CBD product line, one of most interesting products in the range is the CBD lip balm. This is a CBD topical cream that you apply to your lips and it has a whole range of benefits.

Cannabidiol is being used in skincare goods as there are therapeutic benefits for our skin. There are many products like massaging oils, facials and also lip balms. It’s gotten to the stage where CBD is literally being used everywhere, in every product.

An example is CBD serum (50ml, 500g CBD), which can be applied directly to the skin for soothing benefits. It acts as a moisturiser and is very effective.

But how does CBD work in lip balms and is it time for you to make the switch and start purchasing these goods for your own benefit?

Benefits of CBD Lip Balms

Once applied, the CBD extract in lip balm will focus on the dryness of your lips, ensuring they aren’t dry or damaged. CBD has excellent anti-inflammatory properties which is why  it’s used in order cases, such as facials, as it targets acne and ageing skin to give a more natural, healthy look. If you suffer from chapped skin, whether it be on your lips or other areas of your body then a CBD balm is a safe and reliable remedy.

There is a study to suggest that CBD lip balms also remove many bacteria which will be causing further issues to your lips. If you suffer from any sort of irritation around your lips then applying this balm will target those areas and leave you with more comfort. In a way you could say this in itself is enough to help you feel calmer and more at ease.

The type of CBD lip balm you buy can affect you differently. CBD lip balms can contain slightly different ingredients which will then affect how you feel and what benefits you get from the balm. In some cases, you might not even be after balms at all, you may be using a CBD solid.

When looking for ingredients, make sure you get a lip balm that contains little to no THC. The reason for this is because THC is the compound within Cannabis that can cause you to feel “high”. There requires a certain amount of THC dosage to feel high and even with a small amount, like some of the amounts listed in the products, you won’t feel any effect so you don’t need to worry.

There is no complete study to suggest this but it is argued that if the product does contain a slight dosage of THC, this can contribute towards calmness.


To conclude our thoughts on whether or not we believe that CBD  lip balms will help with calmness, there is no direct correlation or evidence to support this argument, however you could certainly suggest that the direct benefits of these lip balms, such as easing of pain, restoring the health of your lips, being an anti-inflammatory, etc are factors that would help you to feel calm. The healthier your lips are feeling, the better you will feel.

Will CBD massage oil make me feel high?

CBD topical oils have become widely accepted now that they have tackled many of their misconceptions. CBD, which is short for Cannabidiol, is a new type of treatment being used on patients to treat a number of things, whether it be muscles aches, inflammation or damaged skin.

These treatments are highly effective and some of the best healthcare remedies. One of the most popular healthcare treatments that money can buy is a CBD massage. The actual massage itself, performed by a masseuse, is no different to any other massage, however it is the CBD oil itself which makes the difference.

If you are considering a CBD massage yourself then it’s important to know what the potential benefits are and how you should expect to feel afterwards. Many patients who have reviewed the massage have said it’s left them feeling like a new person and in a completely different mindset than before. They have experienced benefits such as helping their anxiety, removing muscle tension, reducing pains and aches and also helping skin inflammation.

Despite the good reviews and the opinions of others, it still leaves some questioning the safety of these treatments and whether or not you can actually feel “high” from CBD oil.

CBD Oil Treatments Will Not Make You Feel High

There is not a chance that anyone will be able to get high from a CBD treatment as it contains zero, or little, THC.

It’s really important that people understand what the main ingredients of CBD oils are and what they can do to you. You are right in thinking that CBD is cannabis, as it is one of the two compounds taken from a marijuana plant, however it isn’t the compound that makes you high.

The compound that will make you feel high from a marijuana plant is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is simply just known as THC. Without this ingredient, a person can’t get high from a cannabis plant. Most CBD oils will have no traces of THC in them, however some will have small traces, but these amounts are not enough to get you to feel high. If you’re considering one of these treatments then always ask the therapist performing the massage if you are concerned about anything related to CBD.

Not all cannabis compounds that you smoke will make you feel high either, this is another  misconception. Take CBD shatter for example, this can be smoked, or dabbed, and it is a type of wax  containing no THC.

Does CBD Work?

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that CBD helps in a lot of different ways, both physical and mental feelings. It’s so easy to get your hands on CBD goods as they are being sold in many online stores and also in supermarkets.

Not all CBD products work in the same way. They target different areas and you need to use the right product based on your needs. For example, you can buy massaging oils to ease pain or you may want to buy CBD night cream to help you sleep if you suffer from a sleeping disorder.

Are CBD facials worth it?

In recent years we’ve witnessed a substantial rise in the popularity of CBD within healthcare and now skincare. CBD (Cannabidiol) is being used within many skincare treatments and it’s so easy to purchase topical CBD as the results prove it can greatly improve the appearance of your skin. One of the most popular treatments is a CBD Oil Facial, which includes the use of CBD paste on your face in order to reduce ageing, acne and soothe the skin due to it being an anti-inflammatory.

In this article we are going to look at what CBD can do for you and what benefits it has.

What Does CBD Do To Our Skin?

CBD will greatly increase the hydration of your skin and also the levels of moisture. Because of this, it is great at targeting common appearance features that we tend to want to avoid, or remove, such as wrinkles and sagging. It is filled with different vitamins and fatty acids to help improve our health as a whole.

We are seeing skincare professionals referring us to CBD skin care products a lot more due to their benefits. It is a great natural source for overall health.

Benefits of a CBD Facial

  1. Can Be Used On Anyone

CBD oil can be used on anyone. No matter what skin-type you have, this oil is a great solution to give you a healthier looking face.

  1. CBD Is Good For Acne

CBD is an anti-inflammatory which means it can really help to target acne prone skin. With acne being a worry for a lot of younger people and finding products that can actually work are so few and far between, a simple CBD moisturiser or facial could really help.

  1. Targets Ageing Skin

Ageing skin is something we all suffer with as we get older, some of us later than others. It’s important to keep on top of ageing skin if you want to maintain a younger look, which is why a CBD facial is one of the top recommendations for ageing skin remedies.

CBD is an antioxidant and therefore it means it has the ability to fight against wrinkles and other signs of ageing skin.

  1. They Are Safe

One of the most common misconceptions to CBD facials and CBD within the skincare industry as a whole is that because of its relation to cannabis, it must mean it can get you high, but this is simply not the case. CBD lacks the chemical THC, this THC is the component which can make users high, therefore without that, you won’t get high from the facial. Within the CBD paste itself, there are other natural ingredients that can be found in a lot of skin care goods.

A lot of research has been conducted to ensure the safety of CBD and also what benefits we can gain from it. The popularity for it is still increasing and it’s reassuring to see a range of celebrities having CBD treatments and then recommending them to the general public.

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